My dogs toe will not heal after amputation surgery?

She has had it stapled and stitched four times,all kinds of ointment and flushing by the vet, but the end at her paw will not heal. My vets are really good but I believe this has tested them. We have kept the dog inactive and kept her from licking off…

    My dogs toe will not heal after amputation surgery?

    She has had it stapled and stitched four times,all kinds of ointment and flushing by the vet, but the end at her paw will not heal. My vets are really good but I believe this has tested them. We have kept the dog inactive and kept her from licking off…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dogs toe will not heal after amputation surgery?...

    • My dogs toe will not heal after amputation surgery?

      My dogs toe will not heal after amputation surgery? General Dog Discussions
      She has had it stapled and stitched four times,all kinds of ointment and flushing by the vet, but the end at her paw will not heal. My vets are really good but I believe this has tested them. We have kept the dog inactive and kept her from licking off the tape. Any ideas, is it time for a new vet.

      My dogs toe will not heal after amputation surgery?

      My dogs toe will not heal after amputation surgery? General Dog Discussions
    • Although obviously if you stick with the vet who did the surgery, they should only be charging you for medication and that's all, if they are not sorting this out, then maybe you should at least go for a second opinion. You are entitled! This doesn't sound good because usually dogs heal quite fast. Is she on antibiotics? They might actually welcome you getting a second opinion at this point..... talk to them.