Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?

I have a chihuahua and her toe nails are really long. I bought a doggy toe nail clipper but I'm scared to clip them. I feel like I might hurt her. So will someone please let me know.

    Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?

    I have a chihuahua and her toe nails are really long. I bought a doggy toe nail clipper but I'm scared to clip them. I feel like I might hurt her. So will someone please let me know....
    General Dog Discussions : Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?...

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    • Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?

      Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails? General Dog Discussions
      I have a chihuahua and her toe nails are really long. I bought a doggy toe nail clipper but I'm scared to clip them. I feel like I might hurt her. So will someone please let me know.

      Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?

      Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails? General Dog Discussions
    • no it doesn't hurt them unless you clip the nail too close, then it starts bleeding and might sting a little. i would definitely have your groomer or veterinarian show you how to properly clip your dog's nails the first time, because like i said, they can bleed a lot if you clip the nail too close.

    • You have to be very careful when clipping a dogs nails. You could go too far and cause major bleeding. If you're not really comfortable doing it, you can ask your vet to do it. They know what they're doing and it'll give you peace of mind.I'm so scared I would hurt my dog's nails too, I never do it! The groomer does.Good luck!

    • if you cut it too short (if it starts to bleed). My dog yelps when i cut her nails but i think its cuz she expects it to hurt so she freaks out. (her nails are so long too). but now i take her to the vet to get them clipped and its 8 dollars and he does them really quickly without her screaming!

    • be very careful not to clip into the pulp of the nail or it will begin to bleed . you can determine where the pulp of the nail begins by looking at the underside of the nail, the color of the nail will change where the pulp ends and the solid material begins.

    • You might want to have someone with experience do it. If your going to do it yourself, make sure you have quick stop on hand. It does not hurt but it can somehow be hard to tell where the nail ends and the quick begins. If you cut too high it will bleed.

    • Yes u can hurt a dog if you clip them back to far just the same as if you cut your own fingernails back too far. Go to a vet and let them show u how. If you get your dog bathed in a hydrobath some of them clip your dogs nails too.

    • NO in fact. its like clipping your nails BUT if done wrong it can. dogs have something in their nail like a blood vessel/skin/ that if you cut that it hurts them. If you have a dog and you look at their nails (a clear one that is) you'll see something pink don't clip that because that will bleed. They only wiggle because their not used to it. It feels funny.

    • you can clip them doesn't hurt them just make sure you don't clip the vein of it's nail if it's visible. im actually afraid to cut my dog's nails so i just take her to the groom once a month. just find a good groomer and get her the basic grooming since it's a chihuahua. it shouldn't be more than $20 and please do not go to a pet store for it either (petsmart).

    • no as long as you don't cut them to short!! only trim a little at a time! do this a few times! if the nails are light, you can see where the blood veins start! if not, be careful! only take of a little! i have always trimmed my dogs nails myself!:)

    • Clip just a little bit at first. Then work your way shorter, bit by bit, over the next couple of weeks.Look at the underneath of the nail - you should be able to see what looks like "filling" inside the nail. That's the "quick". Don't cut down that far!If you do, and it bleeds, dip the toe in flour - it acts as a temporary coagulant.Keep a few LITTLE treats on hand as a reward and/or comfort as some dogs just don't seem to think it's a barrel of fun!

    • It doesn't hurt them unless you cut into the quick and they bleed. Maybe it would be better for you to have the vet do it the first time and show you how much to take off. I have chihuahuas and some of them will start screaming even before you touch the foot or

    • I have 4 chis, so I feel your pain! They are very dramatic, but no it does not hurt unless you cut to the quick. The more often you cut their nails, the shorter the quick gets, therefore making it easier to do! Find a groomer you trust, have them show you how