Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?

I have a chihuahua and her toe nails are really long. I bought a doggy toe nail clipper but I'm scared to clip them. I feel like I might hurt her. So will someone please let me know.

    Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?

    I have a chihuahua and her toe nails are really long. I bought a doggy toe nail clipper but I'm scared to clip them. I feel like I might hurt her. So will someone please let me know....
    General Dog Discussions : Does it hurt a dog when you clip its toe nails?...

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    • Only if you clip them too short. Since you say her nails are long, just trim a little at first, then in a few days trim a little more. The longer their nails are the farther down the blood flows in the nail. But, if you cut them a little the blood will recede a little. Just trim the tips and you should be fine. Then do it again until you get them as short as you are wanting. Dont go farther back than the curve of the nail, though. Good luck! By the way, it just costs a few dollars to take her to a groomer to get them done if you still feel you are afraid to do it yourself.

    • If you cut the nerve it will hurt. If you do that, it will bleed. Typically most dogs do not like their nails being cut...but if you are does not hurt them. It is also not comfortable for the dog to have the long nails. If the nail is light colored it is easy to see the dark nerve. But generally the nail is dark and you have to guess. If the nails are really long just start by cutting a little and getting the dog more used the the practice of cutting the nails. The doggie nail clippers are best used cutting from the side of the nail...not straight like human nails. Most vets and groomers are glad to help show you how to do it. If you cut a nerve by accident and the dog bleeds use a little steptic powder. I worked for a vet for 7 years and I have seen him cut a nerve when cutting nails many times. Also remember to take the dog for a walk after cutting the nails on some rough concrete. It will "file" the rough ends. IF you don't and you have the dog in your lap you will probably get a very sharp scratch. If you still don't feel comfortable cutting the nails, have your vet do it. It is usually very inexpensive.

    • generally no, but they do have whats called a blood line which is like a blood vessel and if you hit that it can be painfull and they will remember, its best if you start clipping them young so they will get used to and as they grow they will know what to expect and will trust you.

    • As long as your careful not to clip any quick it will not hurt. I clip my dogs nails and they have never been hurt.I confess it scares me too but i am careful to clip only a little bit since sometimes it is hard to see the quick.So far so good but if you do get the quick it will hurt and bleed a lot,ive heard. good luck.

    • Dog's nails are different than ours. They have meat at the core (called a "quick") that will bleed if you cut it. It's like if a human's nail covered the entire tip of our finger. If she has clear nails you should be able to see the quick. I would really suggest that you have someone show you how to do it first before you try it yourself. In the meantime, you can try filing her nails a bit with a nail file if you want.

    • No, not at all. Just cut the nail the same length as the other ones. And even if you do cut a little too much, it doesn't really hurt the dog because there is no nerves in the nail but there is blood supply so a little bleeding can be expected if you cut too much. The dog my get scared just because they feel you tense up. If you do it yourself you must make sure that you are calm and you make the experience a fun one otehrwise she will never get use to it. If you really don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, you can take your dog to Petco and they will cut her nails for onlt 10 bucks.

    • STOP! It does hurt them. Someone asked this question a couple of days ago and a dog groomer asnswer hope it helps....This is what was said: How do I cut my dogs nails when i cant see the quick.?October 12, 2006Best Answers: - Chosen by AskerIf they are raised up off the ground they dont need cut. As a groomer I know its very difficult to cut black nails, so just take a very tiny amount off if they are touching the ground, just 'shave' the tips off. But if they are raised off the ground just leave them they dont need cut.Black nails or not, i'd listen to this girl. You don't wanna hurt your poochy. Cause i'm pretty sure they can bleed if you cut off to much. then they might get infected etc.

    • Dog's paw's, nails and pad's are sensitive as are our own feet and toe nails. However, the dog has a vein running into the exterior of the nail and if you clip to close you will cut the vein and cause bleeding as well as pain. If nails are black it's extremely difficult to manage not to cut the "quick" only an experienced person should try. White nails, the vein is vi sable and you may clip close carefully. Due to dog's being very sensitive of their feet being touched, held, handle the feet often, then your dog will accept clipping of the nails more readily. When you are ready to attempt to clip the nails, try to do so quickly, don't hold the foot for a very extended time, it stress's the dog out. Pick up the paw, speak firmly, examine to determine length to cut, then clip. Get an assistant to hold your dog if the dog is to hyper, time and no incidents of pain will mellow the next experience.

    • I tried clipping my dog nails, I didn't do it write......I cry-ed likea baby...... it hurt him bad....he couldn't walk for 3 days..... he's an 11yr.old boxer and I love him dearly....after thathappened.. I took him to a pet store... they were nice andfriendly, and showed me how to clip his nails.......... I still worry when I do it, but they said they do it for free.....anytime i needed help just bring him in........

    • Here is a site entitled "How to Clip Your Dog's Nails - A Primer".;_ylu=X3oDMTB2b2gzdDdtBGNvbG8DZQRsA1dTMQRwb3MDMQRzZWMDc3IEdnRpZAM-/SIG=12ajmv08s/EXP=1161921833/**http%3a//

    • Only hurts if you cut it in the quick !! And it will keep bleeding like carzy!! So if that happens you will have to stop the bleeding by using Dry baking Flour! Put it in a bowl and hold the dog and put the toenail in the bowl and hold it in there for 10 to 15 mins to stop the bleeding if it still bleeds keep putting it in the flour til it stops, you can buy powder for this at the pet store but i use flour cause its free and does the same thing. dries it up ! But i hope you won't cut the quick cause it does hurt , just like it hurts you if you cut your nail in the quick!!! So, i told youthis just in case!! Anyway, if your dogs nails are white it will be easier for you to see the quick in the nail so you know not to cut there, the quick is the pink part of the nail, hold the nail up to the light and look at it, you should be able to see the pink area just like your pink on your nail, you don't cut there!! Only cut some of the white of the nail! Not to short!! Just cut the Tip of the nail! alittle bit. If nails are black then its harder to see the quick( the pink part) and i have to just guess at my dogs, so you just cut a little off the tip of the nail if its a black nail , so to be save not to cut the quick! I cut the part that curves alittle at the tip. You can also ask a vet to show you how to do this if you still can't do it!! Its not hard!!

    • With most dogs you can see the area where the blood supply comes from. Do not cut that.If it is hard to tell where it is on your dog, ask the vet to show you what to look for and maybe they will even show you the best way on one foot and watch while you clip one yourself.I did my doggies nails and we made it okay but my sister showed me how and she is a MAJOR dog lover who seems to know almost as much as the vet.

    • Sometimes it is hard to clip them by yourself. you may want someone to hold her for you, it keeps them more calm. It does not hurt them unless you cut them too short. You can only clip up to, or right before the heart of the nail, which is pink in color. If you clip into the heart of the nail,the nail will bleed. They may jump because they are scared, but hold firmly onto their foot as you clip. They also don't like the sound of the clippers, but if you do it often enough they know you are not going to hurt them.