What to do when my dog's paw pads are cracking?

My dog is 6 months old. Her paw pads are starting to crack, and today i've started to put Vaseline on them. I know the cracking is due to the salt outside from the snow, but what can I do to prevent the cracking? & Does it hurt her?

    What to do when my dog's paw pads are cracking?

    My dog is 6 months old. Her paw pads are starting to crack, and today i've started to put Vaseline on them. I know the cracking is due to the salt outside from the snow, but what can I do to prevent the cracking? & Does it hurt her?...
    General Dog Discussions : What to do when my dog's paw pads are cracking?...

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    • You can buy her booties. I put 'muttluks' on all three of my girls. Vaseline is also a good idea, they do have special doggy paw rub out there. I hear it's very good. You can ensure that you clean your dogs paws after every walk to get rid of the sand and salt.It shouldn't really bother her, if she is licking her feet a lot then maybe.

    • You can also get a salve from wal-mart that heals the pads of the dogs feet. It's says that its (udderly smooth) I think that it has vaseline in it. There's not much you can do about the pads, just try and keep her feet washed from the salt as much as possible. If the skin opens up, there may be some pain from the cracking.

    • It probably doest hurt her. and there really isn't much u can do. maybe put little boonies on her. But, Vaseline does work, the aquaphor works, and neosporin also. i have a dalmation that has that and we put Neosporin on her and it helps the cracking go away! i hope this helps you! good luck

    • Yes, it can hurt her. There are sprays that you can buy that will protect her feet and, of course, there are also boots that she can wear. Check with a pet store in your area.

    • Don't worry! The cracking is just showing that your puppy is growing up. A year from now, she won't be that soft cuddly puppy anymore. The cracking doesn't hurt her, and you might want to consider to trying to find lotion if you think its that bad. Not all dogs are perfect, but make sure you are cutting her nails, and that's all you need to worry from the feet.Also, if you are afraid of the salt outside, consider buying or making little paw boots. I use them on my dog, and they seem to be completely comfy.

    • don't use Vaseline because it's a breeding ground for bacteria to grow, use Bag balm. You can find it at any feed store or usually a tiny tin at any store with pharmacy. It's a green tin with a picture of cows udders and dark green and red writing. Fantastic stuff! Bag balm is an antiseptic ointment used originally to help milking cows when their udders would chafe so badly that they would split and crack. It made them heal quickly and prevented infection.Today, it's used for an assortment of things from lip balm, to nursing human mothers and everything in between. Costs about $5.00 for a small tin.

    • My dog has that too from the ice and the salt, well we live in Vermont. And its super cold and snowy. I have some special medication that the vet gave us to put on the cuts on his paws. You might want to ask about that. Then I usually put a bandage, made out of just some Gaze (that cottony stuff) or a regular old paper towel and some tape to make sure that the blood doesn't get all over the rugs and kitchen floor. I just had to do it this yesterday, just made sure that the puppy doesn't keep biting or licking too hard on the cut or else it might become irratated and that wont be good. Here is a article about Winter Paw care for dogs. =D http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art26066.aspI hope I helped you!!!~Sherri

    • Yes it can be painful to your pet. From my experience it helps to wash the dogs feet after being outside and apply a little vitiman e oil to the pads 2x aday within a day or two they will start to fill in and once the weather warms up and the salt is gone so will be the problem good luck

    • 1st of all, make sure you are wiping her paws off EVERY time she comes in. Just a warm wash cloth, no soap. Then put udder balm on her pads. If you can, put the balm on, then put baggies on her feet. Tie them with string, tight enough that she can't get them off, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation. Leave them on for 10-15 min, then take them off and let her run the house. Don't leave her unattended during this time though. She could chew at the bags and swallow plastic. Once the cracking is gone, (will prob take a few days of doing this) then just make sure that you are cleaning her feet each time and put the balm on a couple of times a day.

    • Vaseline.You're using the right stuff. I use vaseline on my dogs. You can even put it on her before you go out for walks. It protects them, keeps them warm in the snow as it creates a barrier and it helps heal them. If you put it on when your inside I find the dogs like to lick it off.