My dogs toe nails are so long. What do I do?

Can I ask my vet to trim my dogs nails really short past the quik? They are super super long and her toes twist on the floor. I have had them trimmed but they grow unbelieveably fast. I am wondering if the vet can cut them really short while she is…

    My dogs toe nails are so long. What do I do?

    Can I ask my vet to trim my dogs nails really short past the quik? They are super super long and her toes twist on the floor. I have had them trimmed but they grow unbelieveably fast. I am wondering if the vet can cut them really short while she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dogs toe nails are so long. What do I do?...

    • My dogs toe nails are so long. What do I do?

      My dogs toe nails are so long. What do I do? General Dog Discussions
      Can I ask my vet to trim my dogs nails really short past the quik? They are super super long and her toes twist on the floor. I have had them trimmed but they grow unbelieveably fast. I am wondering if the vet can cut them really short while she is unconscious and control the bleeding. Then I can keep them trimmed more regularly while they are at a reasonable length. She does not like me to touch her nails so I think that her toes hurt or something...she actually snarls at me if I try to trim them. The vet trims them just barely because of the quik and it will take months I think to trim them that way, plus cost me an arm and leg....what do you all think?

      My dogs toe nails are so long. What do I do?

      My dogs toe nails are so long. What do I do? General Dog Discussions
    • You cannot trim them past the quick - Would you cut your own nails that short? No! Because it would hurt like heck!Try taking the dog to a groomer to get it's nails trimmed if you can't do it yourself - It's a lot cheaper than the vet.

    • no because if they trim too much it will hurt your dog. You can only trim where you see the color difference. How much does your vet charge? Mine was only $10 and I don;t think that is back breaking amount for my dog to be comfortable and that I do not have to do it myself because it is very stressfull for pet and owner.

    • UGH you should have started trimming nails WEEKLY starting when dog was a pup,, that way the quick wouldn't have grown into the nail so long... keep tipping them off weekly and give her walks on pavement.. you couold consult the vet if she is lame because of the neglect of her nails.. but have her knocked out to cut the nails short would be extremely painful,,,, would you like to be knocked out and have your fingernails cut off below their norm ( as long as doc controlled the bleeding( you would still be very sore when you woke up don't ya think?

    • Some dogs have very long quicks.Walking dogs on foot paths can help recide the quick.You should never ever cut past the quick, this is extremely painful and the pain will be ongoing.Ask your Vet about slowly shortening the quick by sanding....never do this without a vets instruction.

    • I would take her to a vet or groomer and have them cut. They can show you the correct way to trim them.Her toes probably do hurt. Long nails strike the floor every time a dog takes a step and it can make them sore. If she's biting or growling while you do this, get someone else to help by restraining her or muzzle her. The quick will eventually recede to a more normal length if her nails are kept trimmed regularly. Keep them cut close to but not into the quick.

    • Talk to your vet. Usuallly the vet won't knock him out just to do the nails, but if he goes under for any other reason (like surgery) ask them to whack the nails right back. Sometimes this is the only solution for dogs with extremely long nails.

    • yes your vet will and can trim them past the quiks if it's as bad as you say. They willl sudate the dog or even put him under. The bleeding will be controled by nitro. It's silver nitrate. It will stop the bleeding but yes it would hurt like heck if the dog were awake but since he will be under he'll be fine.The only other option is to trim alittle away every week. keep quick stop on hand. by cutting them every week alittle more every time you will be shortening the quik little by little

    • No!!!! It would not be healthy or comfortable for your dog. Plus they could get infected and think how much that would cost.If they need trimming regularly then ask the vet to show you how to do it properly. Then get your own set of proper dog nail trimmers (they aren't too pricey). And then you can trim them every few days if need be.

    • Check with other vets. Call them, or do research on computer. It is always good to get second opinions. If they are long, they will need to be re trimmed. Sorry but this is the best advice I know of. Hope it helps some.

    • Don't have them cut past the quik! That would hurt too much for as long as it took for them to grow out past it. Have the vet trim them, then every week or two, you could try to trim them a little bit. Once they are trimmed by the vet they probably wont be as sore so maybe your dog wont mind if you trim them after that. Just don't trim them too much, dogs can bleed to death from that. Good Luck!!!

    • I'd suggest you go to this website and learn how to Dremel your dog's nails. Many dogs that are averse to clipping with normal clippers tolerate a Dremel quite easily: over the page several times until you're sure you get how to do it, then go buy a Dremel (about $18 at Walmart for the basic cordless version). Take it REALLY slowly with your dog and do just a tiny bit of each nail every day. Eventually you will get the quick to recede and her nails will be a normal length, but you *will* have to keep up with it about once a week to keep them that short.