What are some dog friendly campgrounds in the US and Canada?

My friends and I want to go camping with our dogs before we head off to college. Is there any place you would recommend?

    What are some dog friendly campgrounds in the US and Canada?

    My friends and I want to go camping with our dogs before we head off to college. Is there any place you would recommend?...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some dog friendly campgrounds in the US and Canada?...

    • What are some dog friendly campgrounds in the US and Canada?

      What are some dog friendly campgrounds in the US and Canada? General Dog Discussions
      My friends and I want to go camping with our dogs before we head off to college. Is there any place you would recommend?

      What are some dog friendly campgrounds in the US and Canada?

      What are some dog friendly campgrounds in the US and Canada? General Dog Discussions