Have a dog problem everytime I take a plastic bag he gets sooo scared and I don't know why.Why is that?

I have a papillion mixed with a mini collie he is sooo cute and he is a great dog but every time i go and grab a bag he freaks out and pee's. Please help me! Also, my dog's nose runs like a faucet is he sick or do you think he has allergies?

    Have a dog problem everytime I take a plastic bag he gets sooo scared and I don't know why.Why is that?

    I have a papillion mixed with a mini collie he is sooo cute and he is a great dog but every time i go and grab a bag he freaks out and pee's. Please help me! Also, my dog's nose runs like a faucet is he sick or do you think he has allergies?...
    General Dog Discussions : Have a dog problem everytime I take a plastic bag he gets sooo scared and I don't know why.Why is that?...

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    • Have a dog problem everytime I take a plastic bag he gets sooo scared and I don't know why.Why is that?

      Have a dog problem everytime I take a plastic bag he gets sooo scared and I don't know why.Why is that? General Dog Discussions
      I have a papillion mixed with a mini collie he is sooo cute and he is a great dog but every time i go and grab a bag he freaks out and pee's. Please help me! Also, my dog's nose runs like a faucet is he sick or do you think he has allergies?

      Have a dog problem everytime I take a plastic bag he gets sooo scared and I don't know why.Why is that?

      Have a dog problem everytime I take a plastic bag he gets sooo scared and I don't know why.Why is that? General Dog Discussions
    • He clearly associates the bag or the noise of the bag with something negative.To solve the problem you must desensitise him to it by positive reinforcement.Everytime you get the bag, give him a treat or play with him and his toys around the bag or whilst holding the bag. This teaches him that the bag means something good is going to happen.Good luck.

    • haha sorry. my dog has an issue with plastic bags too, except its different. he just pees on ALL OF OUR PLASTIC BAGS!! haha. do you think maybe (if you adopted him) that he was abused? like attemped suffocation with a bag? just keep the bags away from him until you see the vet again, and then just ask him while your there. maybe your dog has allergies!! if he is out of personality, take him to a vet. if not, just ask the vet at the next visit. hope i helped and good luck!!^^