Why does my dog's penis always get hard whenever I pet him?

We have had our dog for several years now. My family got him as a pup, and everything was fine, but it seems like ever since he has grown mature he just really likes me. And I am starting to get worried... almost every time I am around him it is almost…

    Why does my dog's penis always get hard whenever I pet him?

    We have had our dog for several years now. My family got him as a pup, and everything was fine, but it seems like ever since he has grown mature he just really likes me. And I am starting to get worried... almost every time I am around him it is almost…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog's penis always get hard whenever I pet him?...

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    • Why does my dog's penis always get hard whenever I pet him?

      Why does my dog's penis always get hard whenever I pet him? General Dog Discussions
      We have had our dog for several years now. My family got him as a pup, and everything was fine, but it seems like ever since he has grown mature he just really likes me. And I am starting to get worried... almost every time I am around him it is almost impossible to ignore his giant boner, Ben has even humped me a couple times when no one was around. It is disgusting! Someone please heeeelllllppppp.....Should I see a vet or something?

      Why does my dog's penis always get hard whenever I pet him?

      Why does my dog's penis always get hard whenever I pet him? General Dog Discussions
    • dogs who haven't been de-sexed at that age or haven't mated , will get excited easily and will get a stiff. either you need to get him laid or you need to get him de-sexed . that is all

    • Have the dog neutered and show some leadership. This dog doesn't respect you, he owns you.Never allow a dog to hump you. You need to take this dog to obedience classes after you have him neutered. You don't know how to train him and obedience classes will teach you.

    • Neutering will curb a good portion of the behavior. You should do your part as well, don't allow humping upon you. It's not always about sex, it's a dominance thing as well. As in male humans, an erection can occur for other reasons besides sexual arousal. It can be a response to other pleasures as well. Your dog clearly enjoys being petted, but not in the way you're thinking ~ it's just part of the reaction to that pleasure. There's more than one way to pet a dog, experiment to find something less stimulating. If this reaction occurs and you are (pardon the pun) turned off by it; end the session and leave. Associating petting with arousal ain't worth pursuing and certainly not worth rewarding if you want the behavior to end any time soon. IF your dog is young, this is normal and will with time and some cognizant petting on your part, this reaction will decrease.I encourage you to give basic obedience class a try as well. YOU will learn a ton and your dog will be the better for it. So will you.

    • I have read about this. You have one of the rare cases where your dog smells female scents from your natural body odder. This is only fixed by you yourself being subject to a 2 year long needle treatment, where pain medication deactivates the treatment. The only other way of dealing with such a condition is to insert Transparent Medicinal Nose-Plugs up all three nostrils that your dog will soon develop should he continue with the disease's path. I suggest that you see a doctor (a normal veterinarian probably hasn't heard about it) as talk to him about, "Nasal Humanitis smellus" (I am so sorry about suspicious name but it was at first considered to be a single case and the owners asked to name the disease-it is now one of the most unheard of-National plagues that have swept the US