how to make my dog well from soft tissue damage?

my collie mix has been limping for many months now on his right front leg. The vet says his bones are fine but has soft tissue damage around his rotator cuff. Cortasone shots have not helped nor an asprin every day. Don't know what else to do . He is 11…

    how to make my dog well from soft tissue damage?

    my collie mix has been limping for many months now on his right front leg. The vet says his bones are fine but has soft tissue damage around his rotator cuff. Cortasone shots have not helped nor an asprin every day. Don't know what else to do . He is 11…...
    General Dog Discussions : how to make my dog well from soft tissue damage?...

    • how to make my dog well from soft tissue damage?

      how to make my dog well from soft tissue damage? General Dog Discussions
      my collie mix has been limping for many months now on his right front leg. The vet says his bones are fine but has soft tissue damage around his rotator cuff. Cortasone shots have not helped nor an asprin every day. Don't know what else to do . He is 11 years old and limps badly .I had him z-rayed but not blood work.I had him x-rayed but not blood work.It doesn't seem to be in the paw or wrist.I can bend it and he seems o.k.

      how to make my dog well from soft tissue damage?

      how to make my dog well from soft tissue damage? General Dog Discussions
    • I'd suggest you have his leg xrayed. A vet can't tell from a simple examination if the bones are in good shape or not.I would also ask the vet for a more effective pain relief than aspirin.Dogs are very stoic and their pain has to be significant before they will show obvious signs of pain.

    • I agree with Moondog an Xray is a must with an 11 year old dog.The fact that he has been limping for an extended amount of time and not improving is concerning.The first thing the vet must do is rule out osteosarcoma.Also has the dog been tested for lyme or anaplasmosis?These infections tend to manifest in the carpus (wrist)If your dog has not responded to steroids or aspirin its not time to throw in the towel...its time to get better pain management on board!Starting the dog on a glucosamine,chondrotin and MSM supplement will help the dog ambulate better.Glucosamine,chondrotin work to lubricate the joints and stop further cartilage breakdown.MSM is an anti inflammatory that work really well.SynoviG3 and Arthroplex are two supplements that are worth trying.ArthiSoothe,Promotion,Cosequin are also available .Rimadyl is the most tested,researched and reliable non steroidal anti inflammatory out there.Blood work must be check prior to dispensing Rimadyl and then rechecked in 2 weeks to ensure the dog is able to metabolize it safely.Blood work should routinely be monitered every 2-3 months thereafter.Metacam and Previcoxx are also available.When pain fails to be managed with supplementation and an NSAID tramadol can be used to combat the pain.This a multimodule approach to controlling pain and it works wonders.If a dog is unable tolerate an NSAID tramadol and supplementation works well.At 11 even a dog who can walk and run is bound to be in discomfort due to arthritis.You have an 11 year old who is showing signs of pain so he is certainly in need of relief.Talk to your vet about better pain management.Start supplementation with SynoviG3/ Arthroplex/ProMotion/Cosequin.Have your dogs blood checked and start a NSAID trial.Many times vets have free samples to start a pet on NSAID therapy.I would stick with Rimadyl or Metacam as they are the safest NSAIDs.If NSAIDS are not safe for your dog or are too expensive for you ask about starting tramadol.Good luck!