Wondering what the vet bill would be for a puppy with a broke leg?

I asked this question earlier anf was informed that I shouldnt even own a dog. Let me be clear on whst is happening. My puppy broke its leg tonight and I live literally 40 miles from a town with one vet that closes at 6 at night. I am not neglectful. He…

    Wondering what the vet bill would be for a puppy with a broke leg?

    I asked this question earlier anf was informed that I shouldnt even own a dog. Let me be clear on whst is happening. My puppy broke its leg tonight and I live literally 40 miles from a town with one vet that closes at 6 at night. I am not neglectful. He…...
    General Dog Discussions : Wondering what the vet bill would be for a puppy with a broke leg?...

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    • Wondering what the vet bill would be for a puppy with a broke leg?

      Wondering what the vet bill would be for a puppy with a broke leg? General Dog Discussions
      I asked this question earlier anf was informed that I shouldnt even own a dog. Let me be clear on whst is happening. My puppy broke its leg tonight and I live literally 40 miles from a town with one vet that closes at 6 at night. I am not neglectful. He is a tiny puppy and jumped off the couch. Im asking the cost of the bill so I can see if my mom can help me with the bill. We own 2 other dogs who go to the vet every 6 months. Those bills are nothing compared to what this one will be. I dont know very many people that can afford that kind of money up front. It is a simple question so just give me a simple answer. There is no need to be hateful!

      Wondering what the vet bill would be for a puppy with a broke leg?

      Wondering what the vet bill would be for a puppy with a broke leg? General Dog Discussions
    • First, are you sure the leg is broken? The vet will do xrays to determine if it is indeed broken. If it is broken, the treatment will depend on what the break looks like. The cost will vary depending on what is needed and the area you live will also play a factor on cost.There will be an office visit and exam, that would be around $50 here.They will do xrays which will be $50-$300, depending on how many view they do.If its a simple break that isn't displaced, they'll probably just splint the leg, which probably won't be more than $75 or so.If it's displaced, then the cost will go way up.Good luck!

    • It's hard to say. Depends on what kind of break it is and what kind of treatments/meds the vet will do. Are you sure it's broken and not just a really bad sprain? The vet will most likely do x-rays right off the bat. After that if it is not a serious break they will probably immobilize it with a bandage or cast. If it is a really bad break it may require surgery. We had a dog come in to my clinic a few months back, the femur was broke in half completely and we had to do surgery to pin it together. It all depends on the situation so you can't really get a straight answer over the internet. If there are no emergency vets in your area I would just watch you dog really closely tonight, try to keep his leg as immobile as possible, and take him to the vet first thing tomorrow. Good luck, hope it's nothing too bad and I hope he gets better soon =)

    • Depending on the break between 2000-40000, With my pap it was $4000, we were allowed to pay off over time. most will let you pay over time. When my dog broke it's leg the vet wanted him to see a spealist (live in the city) Sunday so we had to wait until the next day see. Kept him crated that night and he was fine. Vet did not give pain pills, but said to keep quit. Grew up in a small town the vet is available 24/7 if life threatening this is not! Unless bone sticking out or bleeding, crate for tonight, and get to the vet in the am.While a broken leg needs to be treated to prevent infection, it really doesn't hurt a dog that much. 2 hours after surger and a cast. "Rabbit in the yard" Small dog, a pap. Hey he was even worried about the fact the cast was pink (male dog) stick it out behind me and run.No food after midnight (will need surgery) and no asprin will the thin the blood and make surgery more dangerous.Hope this helps.