Would it be safe to bring my puppy to my friends puppy?

I have a puppy that is 3months old, he has his shots and doesn't go outside, so he should be clean. Would it be safe to bring him to my friends puppy (10weeks) who hasn't got her shots yet.I don't take him outside because I am training him to use the…

    Would it be safe to bring my puppy to my friends puppy?

    I have a puppy that is 3months old, he has his shots and doesn't go outside, so he should be clean. Would it be safe to bring him to my friends puppy (10weeks) who hasn't got her shots yet.I don't take him outside because I am training him to use the…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would it be safe to bring my puppy to my friends puppy?...

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    • Would it be safe to bring my puppy to my friends puppy?

      Would it be safe to bring my puppy to my friends puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I have a puppy that is 3months old, he has his shots and doesn't go outside, so he should be clean. Would it be safe to bring him to my friends puppy (10weeks) who hasn't got her shots yet.I don't take him outside because I am training him to use the pads, considering that he is a teacup size, and it is also cold outside.Bunch of mixed answers here. I am sure that the other pup is clean of viruses, but I guess I'll wait.

      Would it be safe to bring my puppy to my friends puppy?

      Would it be safe to bring my puppy to my friends puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • That should be fine. Encourage your friend to get his/her puppy's shots too. A dog that hasn't been vaccinated can end up getting sick and those germs can ultimately morph into a harder-to-kill strain later on. That would be bad for puppys everywhere.

    • NO its not safe until both have been vaccinated fully . your friends dog could be carrying some thing since it hasn't been vaccinated . I would not take the chance .My dogs are adults and vaccinated and i am still carefull where i take them , no pet stores , no dogs parks , ETC

    • hmm i think it will be as my dog was around my puppy before she had her shots, but i'm not 100% call the vet and ask, he wont charge you over the phone lol, but why does your puppy not go out if its had its shots???

    • No shots at all, even from the breeder/shelter/person whose dog had puppies? Then no. I wouldn't have your pup around any dogs of unknown vaccination status or who you know are not vaccinated. If the pup has had its first set of shots, then it will probably be fine, but I would be wary if your friend's pup has been around other dogs already, as she is at greater risk.

    • I think you should wait for the puppy to get all of her shots! I heard somewhere that if a dog smells another dogs pee and it does not have it's shots, then the other dog can get sick from the other dogs chemicals. Im not sure if that is true, but I would wait for the puppy to get it's shots! Plus, if they get in a fight or are rough playing and one of the pups doesnt have a rabies shot the you could be in trouble!Hope this helps!

    • For the most part it should be ok. Like humans, Puppies sustain their parents antibodies until they are 12 weeks old. But please be aware that vaccines are meant to minimize the damage that a virus may cause not completely prevent it so if the other puppy does have parvo or giardia or any of those parasites, your pet can still catch it. But it is suggested that you socialize your puppy with other puppies at a young age so they are comfortable around other dogs so just make sure they other puppy has had a health screening first.

    • No like the others said its not a good idea to bring your puppy to another puppy who hasn't had shots. Your puppy is like 1/4 protected and your friends puppy is not protected. You have to wait a litter longer until your puppy gets all his shots which is 4/4. You don't want your dogs to get sick.

    • Socializing your pup is a good idea however your friends pup needs the basic inoculations for the safety of both. Also keep in mind that kennel cough is passed from from one dog to another. At 3 months your dog should be able to handle this inoculation(it's actually sprayed in the nose) but at ten weeks your friends pup has finished it's basics yet.