What should I do the first day I bring my puppy home?

He will be 8 weeks and is a Weimaraner. Ive never gotten a puppy before, Ive only had adult doggies <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" /> But what can I do to make his first day home as calm and stress-less as possible?

    What should I do the first day I bring my puppy home?

    He will be 8 weeks and is a Weimaraner. Ive never gotten a puppy before, Ive only had adult doggies <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" /> But what can I do to make his first day home as calm and stress-less as possible?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do the first day I bring my puppy home?...

    • What should I do the first day I bring my puppy home?

      What should I do the first day I bring my puppy home? General Dog Discussions
      He will be 8 weeks and is a Weimaraner. Ive never gotten a puppy before, Ive only had adult doggies :) But what can I do to make his first day home as calm and stress-less as possible?

      What should I do the first day I bring my puppy home?

      What should I do the first day I bring my puppy home? General Dog Discussions
    • Love on him, show him the places he can go and praise him when he goes to those places, show him the places he is not allowed and simply say a stern "no" when he is sniffing around that area, show him where the puppy pad is if you have one in the home for him to use (remember puppies have little bladders). If you are crate training him, make sure you have a comfortable crate cover in there that is easy to clean incase of an accident. And just remember to love on him and praise him when he does good!Another good thing to do when you are housebreaking him is to put a little jingle bell on the door he will use to go outside to eliminate. Ring it every time he goes outside and praise him for going potty outside. Soon he will learn to ring the bell with his nose to let you know when he needs to go outside :)Congratulations on your new fur baby!