Are there any "tips of the trade" for training a Bichon Frise puppy?

I am getting a male Bichon puppy tomorrow. Are there any tips about housebreaking, feeding, training, etc?Also, at the local pet shop, the owner told my family that some people carry their small breeds (maltese, lhasa, etc) and only put them down so the…

    Are there any "tips of the trade" for training a Bichon Frise puppy?

    I am getting a male Bichon puppy tomorrow. Are there any tips about housebreaking, feeding, training, etc?Also, at the local pet shop, the owner told my family that some people carry their small breeds (maltese, lhasa, etc) and only put them down so the…...
    General Dog Discussions : Are there any "tips of the trade" for training a Bichon Frise puppy?...

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    • Are there any "tips of the trade" for training a Bichon Frise puppy?

      Are there any "tips of the trade" for training a Bichon Frise puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I am getting a male Bichon puppy tomorrow. Are there any tips about housebreaking, feeding, training, etc?Also, at the local pet shop, the owner told my family that some people carry their small breeds (maltese, lhasa, etc) and only put them down so the dog can go, or they are in their kennel if they are not being carried. Is this true? If yes, does it really take only two weeks?Only answers from people with bichon experience. Thanks!

      Are there any "tips of the trade" for training a Bichon Frise puppy?

      Are there any "tips of the trade" for training a Bichon Frise puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • That pet store owner sounds like a moron. That is the most ridiculous potty training 'method' I've ever heard! Dogs are *meant* to have their four paws on the ground. They should not be constantly carried all of the time. They *need* the stimulation and exercise that walking around gives them, and exploring their surroundings. This is what dogs do.If you are actually buying this puppy FROM the pet store, please reconsider. Pet store puppies come from puppy mills, and are notorious for health problems and poor temperaments... AND you'd be supporting those puppy mills.What DOES help with potty training is to keep your new puppy on a leash in the house, while supervising him closely. This serves two purposes... letting him drag the leash around behind him will get him used to having it on, which doesn't come naturally to puppies. It also helps you to watch him like a hawk, and grab the leash to get him outside when he needs to "go"... recognize the signs (sniffing, spinning, etc).You can start training things like "sit" and "down" right away, as soon as you bring your pup home. Make sure that you reward him *every time* he performs well. Don't get impatient or frustrated with him when he is learning... make the training fun, keep the sessions short. Puppies have an attention span of about 2 seconds LOL.Ask your breeder about the feeding schedule. Young, small breed pups should have 3-4 meals per day... amounts are based on the age and weight of your puppy.Good luck.