Will you help me help puppies every where?

The pet stores keep puppies in illegal conditions!!!!! if you go to a pet store, and there is nothing and the bottom of the crates and the wire mesh is visable, take pictures and show the police. the wire mesh can cut the puppies' paws. it is also…

    Will you help me help puppies every where?

    The pet stores keep puppies in illegal conditions!!!!! if you go to a pet store, and there is nothing and the bottom of the crates and the wire mesh is visable, take pictures and show the police. the wire mesh can cut the puppies' paws. it is also…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will you help me help puppies every where?...

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    • Will you help me help puppies every where?

      Will you help me help puppies every where? General Dog Discussions
      The pet stores keep puppies in illegal conditions!!!!! if you go to a pet store, and there is nothing and the bottom of the crates and the wire mesh is visable, take pictures and show the police. the wire mesh can cut the puppies' paws. it is also illegal. also if you see over crowded cages(3 or more to a small cage) take pictures and show the police.THANK YOU FOR HELPING!!! : )

      Will you help me help puppies every where?

      Will you help me help puppies every where? General Dog Discussions
    • We don't have pet stores near where I live but if we did I would help. I love helping animals and I am going to go volunteer at my local humane society as soon as I can.

    • The best way for these awful places to shut down, is for people to be smart enough to NEVER ever buy from a pet store. You are looking at damaged, sick, second rate and in-bred dogs, who were most likely raised in cruel, dirty, unsocialized conditions. I agree with you. These places are terrible.

    • I agree with you that SOME pet stores have deplorable conditions. One might also turn these people in to the ASPA or humane society if there is one in your town.Thanks for caringHope

    • Let me tell you something....You have my vote!!! I totally agree with you. Every time I walk into a pet store and see some of the conditions they are living in, it makes me want to buy every last one of them. It makes me sick. Then, to top it off, the stores want to charge you "an arm and a leg" for them. It's sad. Glad you gave this suggestion. Thanks....from the bottom of my heart (and all those little puppies that need our help).

    • I agree with you. I just got to puppies(not from a pet store)and we put them in a pen.right now they are as big as a pug.I was fusing over the pen saying it was to smalll, but they look happy in it. Anyway if you did try to take pictures of the dogs in a cage, the workers might kick you out (even though one pic would work.) Saveing one dog won't change the world, but the world will change for that one dog.

    • I would love to help you! Seeing animals in cages in stores makes me sick! I hate seeing the puppies and kittens tormented by people tapping the glass and oohing and ahhing and getting the puppies all excited when they have no intention of buying them. How can you have these animals caged up like that.?

    • I know that the Just Paws puppy store in Sanita Anita Mall, CA keeps more then 3 dogs per cage. You can report that if you want. That's why i never buy from stores.