Can dogs get salmonella from eating raw eggs?

My dogs got into a carten of eggs that i set down on the counter. They only got 1 egg though. Can/will my dogs get salmonella?

    Can dogs get salmonella from eating raw eggs?

    My dogs got into a carten of eggs that i set down on the counter. They only got 1 egg though. Can/will my dogs get salmonella?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can dogs get salmonella from eating raw eggs?...

    • Can dogs get salmonella from eating raw eggs?

      Can dogs get salmonella from eating raw eggs? General Dog Discussions
      My dogs got into a carten of eggs that i set down on the counter. They only got 1 egg though. Can/will my dogs get salmonella?

      Can dogs get salmonella from eating raw eggs?

      Can dogs get salmonella from eating raw eggs? General Dog Discussions
    • I wouldn't worry about it. It's possible, but its rare. Even people eat eggs raw all the time. I've never gotten sick from it, and i eat raw eggs pretty often, and a dog's digestive track is far shorter (foods goes right through their system) than mine's. Doesn't allow for much time for proliferation.

    • Dogs very rarely get salmonella.Their stomach acids are stronger than ours and their digestive systems are much shorter, bacteria don't have time to take hold, this is why they can eat stuff that's been dead for weeks without getting sick! (They don't get e-coli from licking their behinds either!)

    • No. Raw eggs are actually very good for you dogs skin and coat. Dogs can eat a lot that humans can't because of their strong stomach acid, like raw eggs and raw meat. What do you think wolves and wild dogs eat? They certainly don't cook the bacteria out of their food. :)

    • Raw eggs may contain salmonella.A WEBSITE EXPLAINING SALMONELLA: are people who add raw eggs to their dog's diet.There are conflicting reports on this:NEGATIVE VEIW:Repeatedly adding raw eggs to a dog's diet can cause a deficiency of the vitamin 'biotin', which can lead to dermatitus, loss of hair and poor growth.Go to this website: VEIW:Makes a dog healthy and contains essential oils to make your dog's coat healthy and shiny.Go to this website: SITE ON RAW EGG FEEDING (this one's the best - it explains everything): hope this is enough information to help you out with your situation.Good Luck :)

    • No.I'm not going to say maybe. I can't imagine that happening if these were fresh eggs you just got at the store. People used to drink raw eggs for hang overs and raw eggs in "egg nogs" all the time. Also in many desserts.Dog's are much less sensitive to salmonella than people are.My dogs get a raw egg each about once a week. They have never gotten sick from that!Your dog should be FINE.