What do you know about having a dwarf hamsters and two big black dogs?

My dogs are nice, but one big slurp and the hamster is dog chow.

    What do you know about having a dwarf hamsters and two big black dogs?

    My dogs are nice, but one big slurp and the hamster is dog chow....
    General Dog Discussions : What do you know about having a dwarf hamsters and two big black dogs?...

    • What do you know about having a dwarf hamsters and two big black dogs?

      What do you know about having a dwarf hamsters and two big black dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My dogs are nice, but one big slurp and the hamster is dog chow.

      What do you know about having a dwarf hamsters and two big black dogs?

      What do you know about having a dwarf hamsters and two big black dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, have a good, sturdy cage. Make sure that the bars aren't far apart (your dwarf hamster could squeze through the bars) since dwarfs are very small creatures! Also, put the cage high enough so that the dogs can't get at the hamster. All of these things should help!

    • As long as you keep the hamster in it's cage or away from your dogs, it'll be fine. We have a dog and as a matter of fact she loves our hamster! She is like a Nannie sometimes, she watches them and it's SO cute! Any kind of cage is ok, a dog's nose can't get through bars!! Keep the cage higher up or on a table or something.