Should you train a puppy while on a leash?

Like all puppies, when i take mine out of the crate he is hyper. So when i try to train him he just ignores me and bites my feet or runs after his own tail :)So does anyone recommend a leash while training indoors because he is too young to be outside…

    Should you train a puppy while on a leash?

    Like all puppies, when i take mine out of the crate he is hyper. So when i try to train him he just ignores me and bites my feet or runs after his own tail :)So does anyone recommend a leash while training indoors because he is too young to be outside…...
    General Dog Discussions : Should you train a puppy while on a leash?...

    • Should you train a puppy while on a leash?

      Should you train a puppy while on a leash? General Dog Discussions
      Like all puppies, when i take mine out of the crate he is hyper. So when i try to train him he just ignores me and bites my feet or runs after his own tail :)So does anyone recommend a leash while training indoors because he is too young to be outside as he has not had his last shots yet?he is 2 month old and the vet said he is not old enough for his last set of shots.

      Should you train a puppy while on a leash?

      Should you train a puppy while on a leash? General Dog Discussions
    • crate training doesn't really work good for animals cause they don't have the ability to sociallize like uncrated dogs. so when you do let her out she is too excited, i would buy her a regular bed or get an old pillow or blanket for a bed outside of the crate and reduce your crate time with her, that will be very helpful cause there is no way really for her to let you know she needs to go unless , if she is hyper i recommend a lead threaded thru a hole bracket thing nailed to wall. but mine is doing great without a crate. (which i am grateful for)

    • My puppy is the same way. Try training him with small treats and such. That's how we got him to sit, lay, shake, roll over, and whatnot. We've been pretty successful. If you need any tips on how to specifically train him on the above things, just let me know. Another tip is, if he wants to play or anything like that, make him sit first. It shows that you're the boss and he needs to listen to you or he can't play. It helps make an obediant dog out of a rowdy puppy. Good luck!!!

    • Just play with your puppy when he first gets out of his crate. Let him run and tackle things and when he quiets down a little, thats when you should try to get his attention. And yes you can train him on a leash but just because he is on a leash doesnt mean he will pay attention and not be hyper. hehe Puppies have such short attention spans you have to do a little at a time =) Good luck!!

    • It would help with some training and keeping him in a crate or animal cage would be recommended ,especially for training. Keep the leash attached but give plenty of slack for the cage. It is a bit easier grabbing the lease from the outside of the cage, than trying to chase and leash a puppy that is still frisky and budding.Start by taking the dog to a spot you intend on having him tied up at. Let him sniff the area,do his "duty", then abruptly return him to his spot in the house. One tip though, have him vaccinated as soon as possible so as to get him on a routine he will recognize. Once vaccinated, you can leave him outside for the day. The key is keeping a puppy on routine. From cage to outside back to cage. Having him on a leash indoors is okay but personally wouldn't recommend an outside area of the cage. In my opinion,you would have to paper an area and have an anchor strong enough to hold the animal. In animal sense, it is giving the dog to have 2 spots in the house to have an accidental void leaving the animal the "okay" to do that anywhere.You will start to recognize the signs of successful training by the urge of the dog to go to the door and whines.Especially when you feel the dog is free to roam the house but shows interest in going outside. When you decide to let him roam freely and he has an accident , use 1 piece of very loose newspaper to swing at him. Try avoid hitting and let the noise of the paper and simple command of "No" influence him.

    • Why haven't you gotten him his shots??? If you start to train him to go inside you will have a tuff time of breaking that habit. If he is too young to be outside then he must be to young to be away from the mother. They can go outside at 6 weeks with constant supervision. Preferably on a leash so that he can get used to it. But be a responsible pet owner and make sure he gets ALL shots when they should be done. Good luck. Dogs are wonderful companions. I wouldn't know what to do with out mine.

    • I'm no expert but I have 3 dogs of my own , and I have found that putting them on a leash just makes want to run even more when they are free. But then again it may help while training.

    • I have my puppy in a crate.She gets all hyper and then I put her in her crate for a few mim to "regroup" then I let her out again. She knows she is safe in there and no body yells at her. LOLShe has her leash on each time we go outside and we take her to "pee-pee in the grass" She loves to pee-pee in the grass lol but we ALWAYS come in within 5 min. He needs to know if you are outside there is no funny business. He needs to poo or whatever. I know this seems a bit strict but you are both in training. reward and play when you come in.Also ... you only have about 7 min( give or take) to take her outside after she eats or drinks anything. So you have to train yourself before you train the time you get her out side she will go. My pup was trained fully by 5 can take him outside but you can't leave him all alone. How are you nights going ?lolBut sure, if its your only option... train him inside. but the leash is for training... not dragging around or eating.

    • yes, you can use a leash in the house. Use it to control the puppy as you teach it behavior, giving treats when it does what you ask. just make sure you also give it time to play and be a puppy. Never leave the leash on in the kennel. If it gets caught in the slats of the kennel it can choke itself. If you are using a training collar (sometimes called a choke collar) don't leave that on in the kennel either for the same reason. Remember to be consistent. Just like kids, dogs need to know what to expect. Encourage good behavior but don't punish bad behavior or the dog will become afraid of you. For example: if the dog jumps on you say "off" in a firm voice. When it has all four feet on the ground give it a treat and tell him he's a good dog.

    • I trained my puppy by waving a treat in front of her nose when she was hyper (Dogs love meat, cheese, and peanut butter! But don't give them too much pb - they'll get fat.) and now I can't count the comments I get on how well trained she is!

    • are you keeping him in crate?(music in background)Born free!As free as the wind blows!as free as the grass grows!!etc etcLeash train when he is ready to go out.You can train him for indoor stuff.sit, lie down, stay.Dog is still young.Acquaintance got black Lab puppy.Took a long time for that dog to settle down.Don't push dog too hard.

    • hi there,i also have a dog but she isn't a puppy anymore..through all the years we've been through i found out that crate training is not very usefuk ,let your puppy explore the house.after all it's just 2 months old..I suggest you could use a leash but otherwise let your puppy run in a bigger space

    • ok guy up there, crate training has nothing to do with socializing dogs! it's about creating a den like habitat that they will sleep in, get comfortable with and not go potty in. it aids you in teaching your pup bladder control and proper potty training. as well as teaching them that we humans like to sleep through the night, so they better snuggle in and catch some zzzzz's!Puppies are all over the place, you want your dog to respect you so be sure to praise your pup when she pays attention to you using key words. when i want my pup to pay attention to me i say "Cooper HERE!" he now sits at my feet and looks at me. i got him to do this by praising him when he came near me, and treating him when he sat. you really want to overdo it in the beginning with rewarding them. try to keep the praise to rewarding, it's so hard not to spoil your pup because they're so cute! but try to reserve your praise for good behavior...they soak it up.

    • never do that because dogs have a very similar feeling for the leash as humans do,infact all animals creature likes to be leashed.give a lot of love and affection to ur pet,surely you will see the results very soon.

    • What are you trying to do? More important, where did you get your ideas from? Along w/ all these peoplegiving you answers. All ya'all are a mess...Suppose the puppy knows his name, stops and at least looks at you, when you yell no! of course hes house broke...Oh wait, maybe thats what the crates for, with a leash hangin out. He thought he was home, when you brought him thru the door...a crates for trans portin, in back of a pick-up when hes not trained to stay in it. I guess all I can say is, im glad that aint no 6 mo. old baby you got...any of you.

    • crate training worked for my lab. i can not imagine having a better behaved dog than Leo. he is now 8 yrs old and tha best compaion.i have recently added a 3 month old beagle to the family and am crate training him also. he knows that when we go out he has to pee then i say "lets go poo'" and sure enough he does. you have to be consistent. routine is a neccessity, lots of praise and encouragement.leash train and basic goes well with treats. my puppy almost always sits on command already.if you want to calm pulling and hyped up puppy on leash , try using a halti when he gets a few more weeks older. this is also an adjustment but i swear by itGOOD LUCK!!!!