What should be in a first aid kit for a puppy/adult dog?

I'm getting an american pit bull terrier, if that matters. I was just wondering what should be in a first aid kit, and does the needed supplies differ between a puppy and an adult dog?

    What should be in a first aid kit for a puppy/adult dog?

    I'm getting an american pit bull terrier, if that matters. I was just wondering what should be in a first aid kit, and does the needed supplies differ between a puppy and an adult dog?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should be in a first aid kit for a puppy/adult dog?...

    • What should be in a first aid kit for a puppy/adult dog?

      What should be in a first aid kit for a puppy/adult dog? General Dog Discussions
      I'm getting an american pit bull terrier, if that matters. I was just wondering what should be in a first aid kit, and does the needed supplies differ between a puppy and an adult dog?

      What should be in a first aid kit for a puppy/adult dog?

      What should be in a first aid kit for a puppy/adult dog? General Dog Discussions
    • i have american bulldogs and i used these items on mine so i hope this helps.neosporien cream, gauze, gauze bandages, corn starch can be used on miner cuts, or nails if cut to deep. tape to hold the bandages, sterilzed water to clean if its a wound. scissors. keep a blanket handy in case you need to wrap your dog up in it to take to the vet. This is what i had to use on my dog when he was burnt in a house fire. i even had to use burn cream but that has to be ordered through a vet.and to keep the pup from chewing the bandages doctor foster and smith has a web site and they got bandages that are supposed to keep your dog from chewing on them.