How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?

my 9 month old lab puppy is absolutly adorable, and my 5year old brother kicks her, and hits her constantly, what do i do? i love my dog so much and hes already chipped one of her teeth before, and she started limping one time because he stomped on her…

    How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?

    my 9 month old lab puppy is absolutly adorable, and my 5year old brother kicks her, and hits her constantly, what do i do? i love my dog so much and hes already chipped one of her teeth before, and she started limping one time because he stomped on her…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?...

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    • How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?

      How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy? General Dog Discussions
      my 9 month old lab puppy is absolutly adorable, and my 5year old brother kicks her, and hits her constantly, what do i do? i love my dog so much and hes already chipped one of her teeth before, and she started limping one time because he stomped on her paw! I feel like something really bad might happen to her. HELP ME!!!!!!

      How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?

      How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • If I were you I would get him and scare him. That if he hurts the lab then he will get bitten by the puppy! GRRR.BARK.BARK! yupp that's what I would do to a 5 year old boy.

    • You sit your brother down, and have a nice conversation with him. Tell him..(his name) look, I know you may not like the dog, but other people in the family do. You see, the dog is a baby and he is still growing up like you! His body is growing and he needs to be treated nicely or he won't grow up right. Now, I am asking you brother to brother, could you please be gentle and nice to our puppy? Please don't kick him or hurt him because he doesn't like that.

    • where are your parents while this is going on? Why hasn't anyone taught the child that animal abuse is a punishable offence? If he isn't being punished for his actions, than you might as well give up the dog. She doesn't deserve that abuse if noone is going to teach the little monster a lesson. I don't mean beat him or anything, but standing in a corner for a few hours never hurt anyone. Your parents need to step up to the plate here, or else you might have to do it.

    • you may want to keep them a little more seperated. also, the older dog probably feels quite jealous of the younger puppy and, although you may not want to, try petting and hugging the older dog a lot more. he will stop feeling so jealous and may start to leave the pup alone.

    • at five kids are really destructive what you can try to do is to tell him how much it hurts not only the dog but you and tell him to be more soft and gentle because the dog is really young and fragile

    • Will your parents not help with trying to keep your brother from injuring your dog? If not, then otherwise, I just think you should never leave your dog alone with him if he treats your dog that way. I have a nephew that is overly rough with animals, and when he's around I never let Cubby out of my sight so I don't give my nephew the chance to do anything to him.Sorry to hear about this. I wish you luck. Take care.

    • This is animal cruelty. What you brother is doing is very wrong and your parents should be aware of what he is doing and stop this now. Otherwise your puppy will grow up vicious and may attack you or your brother and then he will end up having to be put down. As your brother is 5 years old he does know what is right and wrong. Tell him how would he feel if someone trod on his feet. Your parents must take action now before your brother kills your puppy.

    • Keep them away from each other, and have the kid see someone, because that's not good behavior to have at any age. He's showing very violent tendencies, which can lead to worse things when he grows up. But definitely, keep the kid away from your dog. Let your parents know what he's doing, if they don't already know, and I'm sure they'll agree to keeping your brother away from your dog, and will enforce it. If not, you'll have to watch them both yourself. Good luck, I hate to see animals get hurt, I hope you find a more definitive solution than what I can offer.

    • Your parents allow your brother to hurt the dog? As a parent I would be afraid that when the dog gets big enough it will turn on the kid. For that reason alone your parents should interfere.