How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?

my 9 month old lab puppy is absolutly adorable, and my 5year old brother kicks her, and hits her constantly, what do i do? i love my dog so much and hes already chipped one of her teeth before, and she started limping one time because he stomped on her…

    How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?

    my 9 month old lab puppy is absolutly adorable, and my 5year old brother kicks her, and hits her constantly, what do i do? i love my dog so much and hes already chipped one of her teeth before, and she started limping one time because he stomped on her…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i get my 5 year old brother to stop hurting my beautiful lab puppy?...

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    • Blackmail him. Tell him you're going to call the bed time monster to haunt the lil fecker at night if he doesn't stop. Should work. Good luck.

    • Awww dont let this happen to your puppy. If he is going to be like this then you really need to find a new home for the dog because the poor baby doesnt deserve getting abused. I think what your brother is doing is just to get attention or he is jealous of the attention placed on the dog. But if he plans to continue this way, he will get hurt cuz either the dog will learn to fight back or the dog will

    • im a parent! do not hit the kid! it will teach him that its ok to hit! you need to have your parents do it and if they wont take a firm hand and make him sit down and be nice to him. don't scare him! but have a gentle talk about it. tell him that animals feel the same as we humans do and it hurts the dog very badly. put him in time out everytime he does it! maybe he will have time to think about it and feel guilty for hurting another!be consistant.. also puppies at this age can be annoying. it helps mine when i exercise the crap out of him!! lol play fetch or run with him as much as possible through out the day! it gets his anxiety out and he will be a good dog inside your house. teach him the kind of calm behavior that he needs to use inside the house with positive praise.

    • If that were my brother, I'd hit him, stomp on him and chip that little snot nose's teeth myself. Sorry but you asked. This kid has MAJOR problems that your parents should be made aware of. Murderers and rapists start out this way. He's a delinquent in the making. Your parents are not doing their jobs in supervising him and correcting him or getting the proper medical treatment for him. They should be charged with child neglect and your brother put into foster care so he can get the proper treatment. This is my me. In the meantime, keep your dog away from him and crated when you are not around. He will make your dog vicious and your dog will bite him or someone else and then will have to be put down. This is a bigger problem than you realize. Get help in your house.

    • I have a 3 year old little girl. She is usually great with dogs, but she does have her moments. You are limited on what you can do as a sibling and not a parent. So, first - talk to your parents. See how they plan to handle the situation. Is he going to be nto allowed to be around the dog unsupervised? If he isnt' gentle - does he go time out?Next, as a sibling - you can try to teach your brother good things to do with the dog. Have him help you feed/water her and take her for walks. Teach him where his favorite places are to be pet. Teach him what makes the dog happy and how to be gentle. Play games like "would Rufus like it if I...(scratch dogs ear)""would Rufus like it if I...(pretend to hit dog)""would Rufus like it if I...(take away toy)""would Rufus like it if I...(played fetch).Keep the conversations with your brother fun, playful and positive - but still get the message across. Don't yell and scream - teach him whats right...and when he does the right thing - then he gets to do fun things like give treats or help play fetch.Best wishes!

    • Ask your parents to control him!! What is wrong with them that they allow him to be cruel to animals? This is how many serial killers get started,by abusing animals.Let your parents know that your brother is disturbed,as normal kids won't do things like that to dogs.What's really sad is if the dog defends herself and bites your brother,she will get the blame. If your parents don't do anything,you would be better off finding the dog a new home for her safety.

    • Nothing. This is your parent's responsibility, not yours. Why are they letting him act this way? And why on earth did you all bring a puppy into the home if your brother is not nice with animals? You need to talk to your parents, and let them know that this is a serious problem. It is possible that the dog may become very afraid of your brother and even become aggressive with him because it will be scared of getting hurt. Or your brother could seriously injure the puppy. Not to mention what could happen if your brother learns that this behavior is okay and then tries it with a stranger's dog at the park...a dog that didn't know him would probably bite him. Also, just FYI, criminals that commit violent offenses such as murder, rape, and abuse often began by abusing animals. I know that he is still very young, but maybe they need to find out WHY he is so mean to the puppy. Maybe therapy would be an option. Your parents need to sit down and talk to him. Explain the expectations. Make them very specific and set very specific rewards and consequences for his behavior with the dog. If he is able to read, write the rules down. If not, make a chart with pictures that shows his action and the consequence. For example: If he hits or kicks the puppy, he gets 15 minutes in time out and one favorite toy taken away. If he does it again, he gets....(fill in the blank). Then give him rewards for good behavior. Ex: If he goes all day without being mean to the puppy, he can have a lollipop or if he helps feed or walk the puppy, he can have a cheap toy. He needs to be taught how to behave around the dog and your parents need to be very strict and very consistent with punishment AND with rewards. If that doesn't work, I would definentally recommend therapy. And if this behavior continues, you should probably think about finding a new home for your pup. It isn't fair for it to be abused all the time. Maybe consider adopting a larger adult dog that he wouldn't be able to hurt.

    • this is so sad. parents dont pay attention to whats going on - dog is pushed to the point of having to defend itself against a little brat who is constantly hurting finally snaps at kid and ends up at the pound as "unadoptable" because he snapped at a kid.I have seen this so many times working in rescue. Get your parents heads out of their a**es and tell them to WAKE UP.

    • i'd like to know where your parents are?!?!?!?!i shouldn't answer this this way (but i will).when my son was small, if i caught him pulling a dogs ear, i pulled HIS EAR. if he stepped on a paw on PURPOSE, i stepped on his foot.get the picture?just enough so he knows what it feels like, not enough to do real harm.

    • You train your brother not to. If he was hurting a human baby what would you do? What would your mother do?Any kid hurting a pet needs to be immediately stopped and spanked, or given time-out. Not doing so is animal abuse for a pet. Vet bills for broken ribs, cracked jaws, deformed toes are not cheap. Your mother should be backing you up on this. The dog is off limits to the 5 year old. Do not let him be alone with the dog until the kid learns to act properly, and even then be close by and watch.

    • Where are you parents???? Your bother has serious problems. That behavior is not normal. If he doesn't get some help this animal abuse will escalate. He needs some mental help. Why don't your parents see that he has a problem. As much as you love your dog you can't have that little puppy or any animal live in those conditions. It will get worse.....Talk to your parents about getting your brother help and keep the dog away from him.I have to say too that many of the people replying seem to think that this is normal 5yr old behavior, well it's not and it's not normal for any age. Most serial killers started with animal's not to be taken lightly. Get rid of the dog and make sure your brother gets help before you end up burying your dog.

    • Your 5 year Old brother is afraid of yOur dog, it's his defense so that yOur dog won't harm him. it is a natural instinct of a child, when a child is afraid? there are only two Option, either he will run or he will fight back! Try to tame yOur brother. the only thing you would do is teach him to feed yOur dOg, let him watch yOu, bath your dog at the same time teach him also. if this doesn't wOrk. Try to contact me, i'll teach yOu how?

    • Where aren't your parents protecting the puppy??The law states if the ADULTS /PARENTS in the home do NOT protect the animals from cruelty the Parents go to jail for animal abuse not the children !!!If your parents are NOT going to be responsible for the puppy you need to find a family to take the puppy and give it a safe, fun, family free of the cruelty and abuse your home clearly allows..WHY AREN'T YOUR PARENTS PROTECTING YOUR PUPPY IS THE QUESTION... THIS IS ANIMAL ABUSE!!!

    • I`m sorry you are forced to ask for help here, where are your parents ?? They are the only ones who can put a stop to this frightful behavior of a 5 yr. old. Your parents should be very concerned about it and seek help for him now, as many animal abusers turn into human abusers and serial killers later in life. Your parents should take your brother to a child psychologist to learn why he behaves the way he does towards your dog. I`m sorry to say this but unless your parents intervene, your dog would be better off in another home where she will not suffer constant abuse and mistreatment. This situation could end up bad not only for your brother but for the poor innocent puppy. You don`t give your age, but I assume you are in school, speak up and tell your parents something needs done about this situation or you will tell your teacher or school counselor about it. I hope someone comes to the rescue of your puppy and your brother.