After a puppy gets their first shots they can go outside right?

I was told that until all shots were compleated you shouldn't take your dog outside. Meaning even rabies shots. I have been taking my puppy outside and he hasn't gotten sick is this true?

    After a puppy gets their first shots they can go outside right?

    I was told that until all shots were compleated you shouldn't take your dog outside. Meaning even rabies shots. I have been taking my puppy outside and he hasn't gotten sick is this true?...
    General Dog Discussions : After a puppy gets their first shots they can go outside right?...

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    • After a puppy gets their first shots they can go outside right?

      After a puppy gets their first shots they can go outside right? General Dog Discussions
      I was told that until all shots were compleated you shouldn't take your dog outside. Meaning even rabies shots. I have been taking my puppy outside and he hasn't gotten sick is this true?

      After a puppy gets their first shots they can go outside right?

      After a puppy gets their first shots they can go outside right? General Dog Discussions
    • You SHOULD get your dog vaccinated before letting him/her off your property or around any other strange animals. After vaccination, he can go outside ON A LEASH or in a SECURE fenced area.But it's best for DOG'S to get their first shots wether they go around other animals or not

    • You can take your puppy in your own enclosed garden to start his potty training, but he mustn't go out down the road where other dogs go until he is about 10 days clear of his last vaccine. He might not of got sick yet but it is possible he will, and we do mean get very sick and possibly die. So don't risk it,.

    • Outside where, exactly?Private yard is fine. Anywhere that another dog (or even cat) has been could result in illness or infection. Vaccines are not going to protect your puppy until the whole serious has been completed. One sniff where an infected dog has been could result in transmission of any number of diseases, including Parvo.I would worry less about rabies and more about the DHLPP (or whatever your vet calls the puppy combination vaccines.)

    • Just because they haven't gotten sick doesn't mean they can't. It's purely preventative, there is no guarantee that your dog will be ok if they haven't had their shots, and it is more likely they'll catch something from another animal.You're free to take your puppy outside, but if he gets sick, he will be very ill.

    • My veternarian suggested limited exposure until my puppy received his third set of shots (he was around 12 weeks old). After that, your puppy should be safe to interact with animals and people outside the home.