Do you let your pets sleep on the bed with you?

Why or why not? How many sleep with you? Are they dogs or cats? Do you feel cozy and safe? Or does it get crowded? Would you recommend it or would you be against it? WHy?

    Do you let your pets sleep on the bed with you?

    Why or why not? How many sleep with you? Are they dogs or cats? Do you feel cozy and safe? Or does it get crowded? Would you recommend it or would you be against it? WHy?...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you let your pets sleep on the bed with you?...

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    • Yes mostly...2 of them. and they are nice and warm on days I am aloneIt's a personal choice and the owner should decide for themselves

    • I sleep with my dogs all the time!! Although you kind of have to train them to stay on the bed with you during the night or else they can get up and get into things. I sleep with my 4 lb. chihuahua and he sleeps at my legs under the covers to stay warm. Then I sleep with my 25lb. american bulldog which will get bigger since shes just a puppy. So I love sleeping with them. They keep me comfortable and warm all the time. I love it!! I do feel safe and I know they do to. So I am totally for letting dogs sleeping with you.

    • i used to when my samoyed ( dog ) was a puppy, but now that she is a lot bigger she won't get up in my double size bed because i guess it is uncomfortable for her and it gets a bit hot in my room, so she goes right outside my door in the hallway on the hardwood floor where it is cool and she sleeps there :) and since she is so fluffy it was definately cozy! and she cuddled when she was a puppy but now she is really big and very protective so she barks in the middle of the night at anything she doesn't recognize!

    • Of course we do, my boyfriend and I have a queen size bed, and he gets the right side of the bed, I get the middle, and the cat and 3 jack russell mixes get the left side of the bed. We are actually planning on getting a king for our next bed for more room, and they all know that I do not like them to lay between us or on my feet, and they have learned this. We also have just taken another puppy, and one he is house-trained, he will sleep with us as well I'm sure.

    • No I don't!Although I LOVE THEM TO PEICES, No.They're BIG dogs, 65 and 68lbs., very lovable & Comfortable in their own beds, at the foot of my bed.I don't allow them on the furniture either and they're fine with that...ALTHOUGH, I do think Sunny, my Female, every-once-in-a-while sneaks on My bed for a bit. I can sometimes see wrinkles & creases as though she was on it. Why do I say 'she' because she's smart as a whip and is always trying to OUTSMART me!! (Airedale Terriers)Also, when I'm not in bed alone....I really don't need their curiousity sniffing around....GET my point?....lolBesides, I get a 'kick' out of hearing their Wicker beds creaking and them snorting or sighing, during the Night...I'm a light sleeper.

    • its fine to let your pet sleep with you becuase i let my dog sleep with me because it gets your pet more comfotable with you and not wanting to hide from you i dony know much but i hope some of this inormation helped you.

    • yes i do he is a 90 lb. German Shepherd. only one of my 2 dogs sleep in the bed with me because my older dog has bad hips and cant get into my bed...and he likes to sleep in the kitchen because the floor is cooler.yes i feel very safe because he is big and protective. it does get crowded when the dog that sleeps in my bed decides he wants the middle but its all good in the end. and yes i would recommend it... because you get to bond more with your dog...i love it!

    • My cats let me sleep with them....LOL...they think they own the bed! I just love when they cuddle up with me..I guess they feel content and safe....I just love them.....its their house they just let us live there! LOL

    • Does it get crowded?? OH YES! I have a queen size bed with two 70 pound dogs and two cats every night. (and I am not a small woman) They take up 3/4 of the bed and steal the blankets! They make it difficult to get up to pee at night lol! But I am warm and cozy and I wouldnt change a thing! I feel so loved and safe and secure!

    • i sleep with my dog.most ppl tell me not to cuz then she is the alpha, but she waits till she is invited.anywhoser, she's a Shih Tzu, her name is Cloe, and she is only like 16 pounds.She loooves blankets and pillows. she will sleep on a pillow, and if i do not cover her up, she'll bite the blankets. loli wouldnt let anyone else sleep with her.and you shouldnt, she love to stretch out. lmaoi feel very safe, and i dont know why.whenever someone she doesnt know comes into my room, and growls at them, expecially if im asleep. ahahahai love it when they sleep with me!oh, and when i had annie(my 115 pound pyrenees) she always slept with me, too.gosh, that was like the hardest thing to do. lol

    • Yes. My dog is 15 pounds and likes to snuggle. It really does feel cozy, not crowded and on cooler nights she keeps me warm. My cats don't sleep on the bed, cause my dog won't let them. I would recommend it as long as you are comfortable.Kim at:

    • I'm afraid I do as well now - outa habit I suppose. When Digger had a dose of really bad runs last year, I took him upstairs at nights so I knew when he was going to "let loose". When I heard the tum giving it all-guns, I could leap out of bed and be downtairs with him faster than if the smoke-alarm went off"!It became a habit of him upstairs, and now he sleeps on the foot of the bed alongside the cat (usually one on top of the other). If it's pretty damn cold, he'll try and get under the duvet, but I draw the line there. Hairs on top of the bed I can cope with, but they're just too damn sharp under the covers - not good.But, he has his moments when he'll just wander off and sleep on the spare bed in the back room, or go into his own bed at the bottom of my bed. (That's if the cat hasn't robbed it first)All the downstairs doors are closed at night for fire safety so neither the dog or cat can get further than the bottom of the stairs. I often think about what would happen should fire start downstairs, and my dog or cat is down there. I'd have to risk my own life chasing them around to try and round them up. Now though, I feel easier, and I have a spare slip lead in my room for the dog and the cat basket on the spare bed so's I can stuff the moggy into it.Oh, being upstairs has its advantages too - it saves midnight breakages from when the 2 of them wake up and chase each other round the house for the "mad half hour".Oops sorry - long answer...lets get back to the original question...Erm, basically, YES, my pets sleep with me.

    • My poodle was hurt and I let her sleep with us but she just stays on her little pillow and our pitbull use to sleep with us but she is to big now and gets in the way and only makes it uncomfortable. I don't know if I would recommend it nothing is wrong with it but if they are mean dogs you wouldn't want them but i have very sweet dogs that I trust so its fine for me.

    • yes my dogs sleep in the bed with me. Sandy doesnt so much anymore but that was her choice(she still comes in for her cuddle before retiring to the couch). Piper(yorkie) always sleeps in the bed. sometimes it gets a little crowded though!lol! my, my hubby, my 6 yr old son and 2 dogs! but what can you do! i love them!