How do you get your dog to stop grawling at other dogs in your house?

I am watching my brothers dogs for the week end and my 9month old dog is so scaredof these dog that she won't come out of the bedroom and when she does she grawls at the 3 dogs 2 of which belongs to my brother and my other one that I have had for 3…

    How do you get your dog to stop grawling at other dogs in your house?

    I am watching my brothers dogs for the week end and my 9month old dog is so scaredof these dog that she won't come out of the bedroom and when she does she grawls at the 3 dogs 2 of which belongs to my brother and my other one that I have had for 3…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you get your dog to stop grawling at other dogs in your house?...

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    • How do you get your dog to stop grawling at other dogs in your house?

      How do you get your dog to stop grawling at other dogs in your house? General Dog Discussions
      I am watching my brothers dogs for the week end and my 9month old dog is so scaredof these dog that she won't come out of the bedroom and when she does she grawls at the 3 dogs 2 of which belongs to my brother and my other one that I have had for 3 years. How do I get my dog to stop grawling at them?

      How do you get your dog to stop grawling at other dogs in your house?

      How do you get your dog to stop grawling at other dogs in your house? General Dog Discussions
    • Hi there, it looks like she is jealous of the other dogs.But remember they are now in her home, her space.I suggest you don't give them to much attention, and give her a bit more so that she feels loved.If she grawls at them when you are near her, show her no attention so that she must learn that when she grawls she will not get any attention from you

    • Growling is communication, she's warning them to stay away from her. She is stressed.Let her have her space and privacy, don't force her to interact with the others unless she wants to.

    • Get a choker chain.As you probably already know,they dont actually choke them.It gives them a little tug around the neck to say 'i am the boss!'Another thing you could try as well as the choker chain is the muzzle.My dog sometimes growls and that really worked for him.We dont put it on him anymore because he is good now.So that will probably be what is going to happen to your dog,too!

    • it won't happen as quickly as you would like it to, you are bringing a strange dogs into (your dogs) territory, all your dog is doing is acting in a perfectly NORMAL is your dogs territory and in the pack order, (your dog) is not willing to accept them (right now), the only way you can work on that is having him bring his dogs over to visit more often and then teaching your dog proper behaviour as in growling at your brothers dogs is NOT ACCEPTABLE.Dogs are like kids they don;t always like each other...and all your dog is doing is displaying pack order. YOUR DOG is the pack leader in your house...which isn;t good (YOU) should be the pack leader and instructing and telling your dog that it's behaviour is NOT acceptable.I suggest that for the future you buy or borrow the DOg Whisperers Book he has had many years of this type of instruction and check out his website to find out how the pack leader (that's you) needs to take control of the problem.