How can I prevent my lab from biting my sisters dogs when they come over?

He is always biting them and sometimes pins one of the dogs down and growls at him. Also has left marks/cuts in my sisters dogs face. Any recommendations on some medicine to cure dog cuts for dogs?

    How can I prevent my lab from biting my sisters dogs when they come over?

    He is always biting them and sometimes pins one of the dogs down and growls at him. Also has left marks/cuts in my sisters dogs face. Any recommendations on some medicine to cure dog cuts for dogs?...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I prevent my lab from biting my sisters dogs when they come over?...

    • How can I prevent my lab from biting my sisters dogs when they come over?

      How can I prevent my lab from biting my sisters dogs when they come over? General Dog Discussions
      He is always biting them and sometimes pins one of the dogs down and growls at him. Also has left marks/cuts in my sisters dogs face. Any recommendations on some medicine to cure dog cuts for dogs?

      How can I prevent my lab from biting my sisters dogs when they come over?

      How can I prevent my lab from biting my sisters dogs when they come over? General Dog Discussions
    • watch dog whisperer that shows you how to handle dogs but pin ur dog down if he/she starts to bite ur sisters dogs!this will become way more aggression and ur dog eventually will start to bite a human soon!