How can I get my dog to like other dogs?

She hates other dogs, she would actually bite another dog if they came close enough.

    How can I get my dog to like other dogs?

    She hates other dogs, she would actually bite another dog if they came close enough....
    General Dog Discussions : How can I get my dog to like other dogs?...

    • How can I get my dog to like other dogs?

      How can I get my dog to like other dogs? General Dog Discussions
      She hates other dogs, she would actually bite another dog if they came close enough.

      How can I get my dog to like other dogs?

      How can I get my dog to like other dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Take your dog to a good Dog training club where it will be socialized with other dogs = but remember you must go on a regular basis for this to work, get a friend to bring their dog out on walks with yours, and don't arrange to meet in your own home as this will only make your dog more protective of his surroundings

    • I don't think that there is much you can do! I have a female dag and she is the same way! Especially towards other female dogs! When it comes to male dogs, she will sometimes warm up to them but not all! Who knows, maybe there is something you can do... check out the dog whisperer. lol. If you do find something out let me know! I would love for my dog to get along with other dogs! :)

    • First of all, how old is your dog? If she is still young enough, you could try taking her to a dog park. Of course if she is already showing signs of aggression, you would want to keep her on a leash, but just putting her around other dogs is important for a healthy animal. the more isolated they are, the more aggressive they can become. If she is not a puppy, you could take her to pet school where they teach how to properly socialize an aggressive dog! Walks in park where she will see other people and dogs are a good mental stimulant...

    • Is your dog fixed?? If not then that is your answer right there. Usually it is the Male's that are the aggressive ones when not fixed but a female in heat can also be very aggressive toward other dogs although it is not really aggression it is her way of attracting other dogs. If she is fixed then the only thing you can really do is slowly introduce her to other dogs in small doses. If you know someone with a friendly dog I would use that dog to help train your dog. You need to also teach her that doing that is wrong. There is a book called "How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend: A Training Manual for Dog Owners" by New Skete Monks I would recommend getting a copy of that. It was very helpful when training my dogs and they are both extremely obedient and friendly. GOOD LUCK