Cheap surgery in texas for cherry eye on a 12week old chihuahua?

My puppy has cherry eye he is now 12weeks I can't afford $700.00 and it might come back I live in the galveston county please help. I love my puppy and don't want him to have this.

    Cheap surgery in texas for cherry eye on a 12week old chihuahua?

    My puppy has cherry eye he is now 12weeks I can't afford $700.00 and it might come back I live in the galveston county please help. I love my puppy and don't want him to have this....
    General Dog Discussions : Cheap surgery in texas for cherry eye on a 12week old chihuahua?...

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    • Cheap surgery in texas for cherry eye on a 12week old chihuahua?

      Cheap surgery in texas for cherry eye on a 12week old chihuahua? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy has cherry eye he is now 12weeks I can't afford $700.00 and it might come back I live in the galveston county please help. I love my puppy and don't want him to have this.

      Cheap surgery in texas for cherry eye on a 12week old chihuahua?

      Cheap surgery in texas for cherry eye on a 12week old chihuahua? General Dog Discussions
    • Go to the KAAWS Clinic. It is about 1 1/2 hours away from you. Dr.Bazan is the best doctor by far in the area and truly cares. Give them a call, they have a website. It will probably cost you $100. $50 for the mandatory bloodwork, maybe $45 for the procedure, and another $5 for an e-collar. The clinic is new and clean and the staff is amazing. You will never find a better place!