if my dogs enucleated eye shows open space where the stitches are what needs to be done?

my puppy had her eye removed almost 3 weeks ago and it looks like it didn't heal shut because i can see inside between her stitches. was the procedure done wrong?is this normal?can it stay this way,or does another surgery need to be done?she seems back…

    if my dogs enucleated eye shows open space where the stitches are what needs to be done?

    my puppy had her eye removed almost 3 weeks ago and it looks like it didn't heal shut because i can see inside between her stitches. was the procedure done wrong?is this normal?can it stay this way,or does another surgery need to be done?she seems back…...
    General Dog Discussions : if my dogs enucleated eye shows open space where the stitches are what needs to be done?...

    • if my dogs enucleated eye shows open space where the stitches are what needs to be done?

      if my dogs enucleated eye shows open space where the stitches are what needs to be done? General Dog Discussions
      my puppy had her eye removed almost 3 weeks ago and it looks like it didn't heal shut because i can see inside between her stitches. was the procedure done wrong?is this normal?can it stay this way,or does another surgery need to be done?she seems back to her sweet self and i would hate to have her go thru this again.

      if my dogs enucleated eye shows open space where the stitches are what needs to be done?

      if my dogs enucleated eye shows open space where the stitches are what needs to be done? General Dog Discussions
    • That's what happened to Break In a few weeks after her eye was removed. Our vet said to drop her off and I guess she re-stitched it because in a an hour or so she called my husband to pick up the cat. There's no way another surgery could have happened, because my vet was working her in between appointments. It's been a few years so I can't remember what she said, only that it didn't take very long and that we weren't charged. Call your vet and tell her what's going on, and in case she wants you to drop off your pup, write down everything you can think of about about the eye - when you first noticed it, does she seem to be in pain etc. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y81/jar-la/cats/May312008Franken-KittyALTERED.jpg

    • After 3 weeks it should be pretty much healed up by now. I would take her back to the vet. Dehiscence of the surgical wound (opening up) could mean a few things-there could be infection, i have also seen where there is a build up of mucocoele from improper resection of the third eye lid gland and attached conjunctiva so basically this build up can cause "leaking" almost and needs an area or hole to get out. Whatever the cause it is not normal and as far as needing another surgery it depends...take her back and the vet will be able to tell you for sure. Good luck with everything...