Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?

Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?Do you treat your dogs like human babies?Have you even taken your dog to the pound?Do you see the link in these four questions?

    Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?

    Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?Do you treat your dogs like human babies?Have you even taken your dog to the pound?Do you see the link in these four questions?...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?...

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    • Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?

      Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk? General Dog Discussions
      Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?Do you treat your dogs like human babies?Have you even taken your dog to the pound?Do you see the link in these four questions?

      Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk?

      Do you spend time training your dogs? How often do you take your dogs for a walk? General Dog Discussions
    • 1 i had my dog professionally trained but work with him every day to keep him learning2 my dog loves his walks he has 1 mile twice a day3 my dog is part of my family and i love him but he is a dog and treated like a dog4 I rescued my dog from a shelter so have taken him from a shelter but never taken him to 1

    • We spend time training until we're sure they've got it down, then periodically reinforce it.Now that school has started back up, they get a mile walk in the morning and a 3 mile run in the evenings.We do not treat them like human babies, we treat them like they were children, but don't overly worry or spoil them.We've never taken the dogs to the pound. Two of the eight are actually from the SPCA.And the link to me is that people who do the first three question don't do the fourth.

    • Training is a never ending process, so technically, I'm always training my dogs.Usually every day.No, I treat my human baby like a human baby and I treat my dogs like dogs.No, I adopted them *from* the pound...definitely not sending them back there.Not sure what link you intended, but I'm guessing it pertains to being a good owner vs. a bad one.

    • I train my dog I walk her abou four times a day a half an hour each time, I doot take my dog to the ound, I do not treat my dog like a baby or human, I treat her like a dog and respect her as a dog and she respects the question and i know where you are going with this...So, train dogs, walk them, feed, care for them, treat them like dogs not like humans and exesise them and treat them rght and no going to the pound for the dog...

    • You should train your dog 5-10 minutes per session, 3 times a day, which is what I do.I take them normally twice a day, as this is what they should have, although sometimes they go out other times if I'm going to the shop or somethingNo way! They need to be treated like dogs to have a good life. Yeah they're family members, but they are still dogs.Nope, we foster dogs for the RSPCA.No, I cant actually, but I'm a slow person XD.

    • 1) i try and train my dogs every day ! 2) i take both of them for 30-45 minutes walks every night3) and yes i treat my dogs as humans 4) NO we r considerate of our dogs and we have never been able to look after them cuz if we know we cant take them with us we either find a place that allows them or we keep them with family !5) no lol but im guessing u r asking if we love them ?? and if yes then yes we LOVE our dogs !!

    • 1 . I spend at least 3 hours training my dog , But all threw out the day i train him .2. I take my dog on a 1 and a half hour walk3. Yes and no , I love them and spoil them , But when it comes to getting on the furniture , letting them eat human food or holding them(Which i cant do , Because my dog is 70 pounds) That's a no-no for me . 4 . Never ! , I don't want my dog to be stuck in cages all day , all alone , and me wondering if he has found a loving home !!!5 . No i dont

    • Do you spend time training your dogs? Yes - some learning or practicing new behaviors for a few minutes now and then, and "living the training" for most behaviors (sort of a loosened-up version of NILIF, since they are quite polite at this point), all day, every day.How often do you take your dogs for a walk?The greyhounds mostly get their exercise in my large fenced yard -- one is elderly, the other fairly old and with a bum leg, which has exaggerated her greyhound tendency to go from lying on the couch to zooming at top speed, then back to lying on the couch. So, neither of them like long walks. The beagle gets a leash walk most days, in addition to lots of play and training time in the yard.Do you treat your dogs like human babies?No. I am sentimental and loving about them, but., other than the fact that they need me to provide for them, the parent-child image never seemed to describe what we have. I think of them more as friends from another species, especially as they mature.Have you even taken your dog to the pound?No.Do you see the link in these four questions?Yes.

    • Yes I do spend the time to train my dogs, for two reasons, one because it makes them much nicer to have them around if they are well behaved and adds to the bonding between dog and owner and secondly because dogs just love to learn new things and be rewarded for it by getting lots of pats, hugs and reward treats for their efforts.I take my dog for a daily walk for an hour, usually in the mornings at the start of a new day, I really enjoy the time we have together and my dog waits at the door in anticipation of his walk every morning.No I don't treat my dogs like human babies, because they are dogs, not humans and need to be treated like dogs and be given the opportunity to do what dogs do, like run around the yard, chase balls and play with other dogs.No I have been lucky enough to have never been forced to have to take my dog to the pound, however I am sure there are people out there who sadly have to take their dogs there due to unforeseen circumstances and it must be heartbreaking for them. Sometimes there is no alternative. If I was faced with that choice, I would explore all other avenues first and if unsuccessful would hope that someone would adopt my dog from the pound and give them a new home.I do see the link in these four questions and I think they are great questions and make you think about how much you love your dog.