How do I socialize my new boxer puppy?

We brought her to a pet store. In her first visit to one, she behaved just fine, besides getting over-excited at a few dogs (tail wagging, wanting to play, no barking). We took her again this weekend and she barked, tug and growled. She seemed so…

    How do I socialize my new boxer puppy?

    We brought her to a pet store. In her first visit to one, she behaved just fine, besides getting over-excited at a few dogs (tail wagging, wanting to play, no barking). We took her again this weekend and she barked, tug and growled. She seemed so…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I socialize my new boxer puppy?...

    • How do I socialize my new boxer puppy?

      How do I socialize my new boxer puppy? General Dog Discussions
      We brought her to a pet store. In her first visit to one, she behaved just fine, besides getting over-excited at a few dogs (tail wagging, wanting to play, no barking). We took her again this weekend and she barked, tug and growled. She seemed so overwhelmed.How can we socialize her properly? She will sit down when we ask her to, but only for a second, and then she reverts back to normal behavior. She almost got out of her collar she was squirming so much.The training harness a friend suggested pulls the dog away from the excitement when they tug. Is this good for the suggested socialization methods?

      How do I socialize my new boxer puppy?

      How do I socialize my new boxer puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • you go to a dog park and let her run around and play all she wants on a very long, retractable leash.but as soon as she bites, or growls, etc, you DRAG THAT DOG AWAY INTO SOLITUDE.but only for a little while. then you let her back out, and repeat.that way she'll know that if she's good, she gets to play.[:

    • Def. do that dog park suggestion. We are socializing an older abused dog right now, and it's been difficult. To make sure you're building up her self esteem, try hand feeding her part of her meals, and make sure she gets that daily walk or two. To help socialize her before the dog park, get some friends and friends with dogs to come over, and meet in the park or somewhere. Have them give her a treat. If she acts friendly, let them play with her. If she does really well with all of those introductions, try the dog park. Maybe wait outside the fence while she watches and adjusts.

    • you need to expose your puppy to absolutely every sight sound an smell she is likely to come into contact with ie other dogs/cats/rodents etc cars bikes motorbiikes children loud car horns etc also get her used to travelling in the car...when u expose her to a new experience have treats ready and give them to her so she associates the loud sound etc with something positive...bring her to puppy classes to get her used to other dogs and to get expert advice on all aspects of puppy care. make sure she is fully vaccinated before you mix her with other dogs and bring her out and about.