What are some good dogs that are small, dont shed, and are good with kids?

i asked my mom if i could have a dog, and she said yes, but i want a dog i can take care of by myself.. i want a cute, loveable dog that wont shed and are good with kids, because i have a little sister, and i dont want her to get hurt.

    What are some good dogs that are small, dont shed, and are good with kids?

    i asked my mom if i could have a dog, and she said yes, but i want a dog i can take care of by myself.. i want a cute, loveable dog that wont shed and are good with kids, because i have a little sister, and i dont want her to get hurt....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are some good dogs that are small, dont shed, and are good with kids?...

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    • What are some good dogs that are small, dont shed, and are good with kids?

      What are some good dogs that are small, dont shed, and are good with kids? Dog Breed Discussions
      i asked my mom if i could have a dog, and she said yes, but i want a dog i can take care of by myself.. i want a cute, loveable dog that wont shed and are good with kids, because i have a little sister, and i dont want her to get hurt.

      What are some good dogs that are small, dont shed, and are good with kids?

      What are some good dogs that are small, dont shed, and are good with kids? Dog Breed Discussions
    • there is no such breed of dog with hair that doesnt shed the only ones that dont are hairless breeds and they are ugly, just my opinion, just get a short haired dog. probably a pug something like that you want. your asking for to much really though you have to make some sacrifices , all dogs can be good with children just need to train them right and vice versa all dogs can be bad with kids. but your not going to get a dog that doesnt shed at all ... read this but there not only small dogs its all dogs that dont shed much, Very Light SheddersThere is no such thing as a "totally" non-shedding dog. All dogs shed at least a little hair at one time or another, as do humans. There are however dogs that shed little to no hair. This is a list of breeds that shed little to no hair.AffenpinscherAiredale TerrierAmerican Hairless TerrierAmerican Water SpanielAustralian TerrierBasenjiBedlington TerrierBergamascoBichon FriseBichon/YorkieBlack Russian TerrierBologneseBorder TerrierBouvier des FlandersBrussels GriffonCairn TerrierCesky TerrierChacy RaniorChi-PooChinese Crested (hairless)CockapooCoton De TulearDandie Dinmont TerrierDoodleman PinscherGiant SchnauzerGlen of Imaal TerrierHairless KhalaHavaneseIrish TerrierIrish Water SpanielItalian GreyhoundKerry Blue TerrierKomondorLabradoodleLagotto RomagnoloLakeland TerrierLowchen (Little Lion Dog)MalteseMalti-PooManchester TerrierMi-KiMiniature PoodleMiniature SchnauzerNorfolk TerrierNorwich TerrierPeruvian Inca OrchidPetit Basset Griffon VendeenPolish Owczarek NizinnyPoosPortuguese Water DogPuliSchnoodleScottish Terrier (Scottie)Sealyham TerrierShepadoodleShichonShih-TzuSilky TerrierSoft Coated Wheaten TerrierSpanish Water DogStandard PoodleStandard SchnauzerTibetan TerrierToy PoodleWelsh TerrierWest Highland White TerrierWirehaired Fox TerrierWirehaired Pointing GriffonXoloitzcuintleYorkshire Terrier

    • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are beautiful, friendly, and great with kids. Mine loves everyone and is very sweet. They are expensive so I suggest adopting one. They are just as friendly and cute when they are from a shelter(unless they are from a crulety case). They are not chihuaua tiny but they are slightly smaller than a beagle( don't get a beagle, they will kill every small animal around). Cavalier spaniels do need some exercise, one walk and a hour of playing/attention is enough per day. Chickens also make great pets(Belgian D'Uccles are amazing)!!! Good luck! 

    • I have a Miniature Pinscher. He's sweet and lovable and is great with other pets and little kids. But it depends on the dogs personality if it will be good around kids. Min Pins are cute too. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=miniature+pinscher&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=918&pdl=300&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi

    • Well Staffys are actually meant to be the best 'kid friendly' dog (don't believe the media) as long as they're in a loving, calm household. I have two Jack Russells who are wonderful with kids. But I know loads of parents of toddlers who have a whole range of dogs- ITS ALL DOWN TO THE OWNER.As for the shedding, you'll have to just check the dog when you view them.

    • Here is a website on low shedding dogs and kid-friendly dogs: http://www.justdogbreeds.com/dog-breeds.htmlThere are many that are cute, loveable, hardly shed and good with kids. I wanted you to choose. Hope I helped and hope you will find your companion.

    • I would definitely suggest a shih tzu!!!! I have a shih tzu, myself and i love him! He is great with kids, and has a great temperament. And he changes his attitude to however you react around you. If you are angry, he will stay out of your way. And if you are in a good mood, he will try and play(: He doesn't shed. We haven't found hair around the house yet. He only sheds when your brush him, which is typical. Although, shih tzu's can be stubborn dogs to train, he still does a pretty good job. I would definitely suggest shih tzus. They normally are super small, but the biggest they can get is up to 11 inches. Good luck with your search(: I hope i helped(: