What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?

I have tried using the spray that they sell at the pet store, but he doesn't use his teeth to tear apart the carpet, he uses his paws and digs at it. He has shredded a lot of carpet and I want to keep him from shredding more of it.

    What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?

    I have tried using the spray that they sell at the pet store, but he doesn't use his teeth to tear apart the carpet, he uses his paws and digs at it. He has shredded a lot of carpet and I want to keep him from shredding more of it....
    General Dog Discussions : What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?...

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    • What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?

      What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house? General Dog Discussions
      I have tried using the spray that they sell at the pet store, but he doesn't use his teeth to tear apart the carpet, he uses his paws and digs at it. He has shredded a lot of carpet and I want to keep him from shredding more of it.

      What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?

      What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house? General Dog Discussions
    • u cant really help from ur dog tearing up the carpets..u can only declaw cats..lol, but train him by saying no...and give him time outs and when he starts learning give him a treat or something

    • Is he doing this while you are away? You need to crate train him while you are away to prevent this destructive behavior.Also, he may not be getting enough exercise and that is why he is destructive. Take him on 3 to 4 walks a day (each one being 20 minutes long) and play games with him to help wear off his energy.

    • Does he have toys to play with? My pittbull used to do the same thing, but I went and got some cheap stuffed animals and started playing with her with them, and now she doesn't tear anything up. Well just her toys.... which is better than my house!LOL

    • Tough situation... I'd try buying a scratch post (usually for cats). They have carpet on them so maybe he'd rather scratch that instead of your carpet! More expensive is the tile floor option. But I think the first one could work. Good luck anyways!

    • he's bored - instead of thinking measures to prevent it - think of measures to redirect his attention. Try a puppy kong - stuff it with treats or peanut butter they love it - rope toys - word of advice tho - a lot of ppl complain toys don't work - thing is dogs won't just go and play with a toy - u need to introduce it to them - play with the dog with the toy for a while until he develops a liking towards it. try bones - the granulated ones since rawhide might be a bit tough of the puppy teeth right now

    • teach him not to do it, it will take a while but it is worth it in the end and also put gates up then it will stop him from getting into certain rooms, you will only have to keep them up until he is tought properly though. also him him lots of toys because then he can chew on them.

    • Theres a product called "pet no" it works AWESOME. its a spray that you spray in the areas you dont want your pet to go to, I used it for ALL my animals and it has worked everytime. You cant smell it once its down out the dog can. Theres no harm in it and it has never caused any problems with my animals. you can buy it at any local pet store or large chain.

    • if possible get your puppy socks and put them on him when you are gone. OK i know it sounds dumb but he will be trying to take them off and not trying to rip the carpet....i did it when ever i was gone and it helped along with a little discipline (i dont mean to kick him)

    • OOOO boy.I bet you have a berber carpet.Sorry, worst selection with pets.If the runners are not too long, just a frizz, carefully separate the fibers and tie in a knot flush to the pile. Trim off the frayed ends.If a long runner is pulled, you can have it repaired by a professional carpet mechanic. (UK & Australia=Carpet fitter).Keep his nails trimmed as short as possible. Animals/birds scratch so as to "trim" their nails naturally.

    • Dogs and puppies that are doing destructive behaviors have an underlying problem that the owner needs to discover and deal with in order to be able to stop or change the behavior.Some questions for you:1. How old is the puppy?If the puppy is less than 3 months old, then you need to just put the puppy in a safe place whenever you cannot be with him. This means a bathroom or a crate that has enough room for him to turn around in and has fresh water provided. In fact, for any dog or pup that is doing this behavior I recommend the crate method to keep him from doing anymore damage, but this is just one of the things you should do.2. How long have you had the puppy?If the puppy has been doing this a long time, you will have to spend and equal amount of time working with him to stop it.3. Have you gone through obedience training with the puppy?If not, do that right away. The pup needs to know who is boss, and that would be you, right?4. What breed is the puppy?Certain breeds have a higher energy level and are prone to destructive behaviors if not allowed enough constructive activity, such as rough play, long walks, and training sessions.5. How much time each day do you spend walking and playing and training the puppy? Self explanatory.6. If he does this with you in the room, what do you do? Do you just ignore him? Do you yell at him until 30 seconds later when he does it again, when you yell at him again? Obviously whatever you have been doing, it is not working. You need to get up and remove him from the area he is digging on, put him in his crate when he does this. If he can figure out that he loses his personal freedom as a result of the behavior, he will finally start to try and change that behavior because most dogs don't like to be taken away from the family pack and isolated. Make sense?Good Luck!

    • give him something worthwhile to shred so he won't have to resort to the carpet. If you give him enough of it he will be completely occupied. Another way is to just tell him that ripping carpets are bad and punish him. Hopefully you have insurance.rampaging puppy.... lol

    • try going to the pet store and buy him a toy to chew on scratch on. or play with him so that he wouldn't have the energy to scratch on your carpet any more