What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?

I have tried using the spray that they sell at the pet store, but he doesn't use his teeth to tear apart the carpet, he uses his paws and digs at it. He has shredded a lot of carpet and I want to keep him from shredding more of it.

    What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?

    I have tried using the spray that they sell at the pet store, but he doesn't use his teeth to tear apart the carpet, he uses his paws and digs at it. He has shredded a lot of carpet and I want to keep him from shredding more of it....
    General Dog Discussions : What can I do to keep my puppy from tearing apart the carpet in my house?...

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    • If your puppy tears your carpet then there is something wrong with it.

    • Puppies tend to dig things up and even bite furniture when they are bored. They are like children and don't know any better. They have to be taught that you don't like what they are doing. Play with him and watch what he does. Keep them company and give them a bone to chew on. Reward them when they do something good.

    • Well I would scwirt him with a scwirt bottle also when he does it teach him what "No" means if he doesnt stop put him in a crate for like a half an hour it should learn not to than! Also get him a chew tow or a fuzzy one would be really good since he likes the carpet and the carpets fuzzy too that should do the trick!!! hope this helps

    • OMG, almost all of the people below me except the last one on the page are CRAZY!!!DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM!!!!You should NEVER cruelly treat your dog just for shredding the carpet.You'll just get an animal that is scared of you and won't love you because you'll abuse it if you kick him or throw things at him or pull his teeth out.Take him on walks and play with him so he'll calm down.If things get really serious then take him to a therapist or vet because maybe your dog is too stressed or has some other inner/psychological problems, especially if he was abused by previous owners(especially if he's from a shelter). He could be from a pet store or breeder and still have issues.But he's probably just stressed or hyper.Abusing your dog and treating it cruelly is horrible just if he did that to your carpet.You need a lot of patience with dogs, and always use positive reinforcement.You'll probably be able to train him not to do this.

    • o shoot!! i have the same problem, none of the pet store stuff works...mine bites the carpet and pulls..she diggs on the walls of the room she sleeps in..tears up everything!!! im gonna stick around & keep checking this question...

    • Everytime he/she does it you need to take it to the spot it ripped or chewed. Hold his face by the area so he can see it then yell at him saying no.Then lock him in his kennel or outside for a little bit.If you keep repeating this it will eventually learn.

    • use a spary bottle and squirt him evey time he goes at it. dont kick him or put him outside that is crule..another way to not be mean is to tap him on the bottom a little not hard and tell him no and put him in his cadge....... that helps a little

    • my suggestion is to give him a bunch of chewy toys and bones to keep him busy and not wanting to dig up the carpet..i know how you feel....my puppy does the same thing...if i put him in a room alone he goes crazy...he hates being locked up, so i always have him out running around my house when im home ( hes potty trained ) and he hasnt done anything bad for a pretty long time....just dont lock your dog up in a room! my dog has gone to extremes from tearing up the carpet to the blinds! ugh! thank god he stopped! just scold him if he keeps tearing the carpet up!!!

    • 1.) Chain him to a pole or tree2.) Tie him to a bed of sharp objects3.) Yell4.) Hit5.) Shoot off a catapult into neighbor's yard6.) Cage him7.) Keep him outside8.) Pepper spray9.) Get another dog10.) Throw him into a gas station in China

    • A piece of wood three feet long, 4inchesx 3 inches thick swung at high speed and connecting with the head should solve all the problems.However, if that is not a choice. Half an ounce of lead, inserted at high speed in the left earhole could be the answer.