why does my puppy of 6 months paw at his food?

He has one of those dog food bowls that has one side for water and the other for food. Lately he has been pawing at the food side while the water splashes out. I particularly watch him and he is always pawing at the food side. Meanwhile both sides are…

    why does my puppy of 6 months paw at his food?

    He has one of those dog food bowls that has one side for water and the other for food. Lately he has been pawing at the food side while the water splashes out. I particularly watch him and he is always pawing at the food side. Meanwhile both sides are…...
    General Dog Discussions : why does my puppy of 6 months paw at his food?...

    • why does my puppy of 6 months paw at his food?

      why does my puppy of 6 months paw at his food? General Dog Discussions
      He has one of those dog food bowls that has one side for water and the other for food. Lately he has been pawing at the food side while the water splashes out. I particularly watch him and he is always pawing at the food side. Meanwhile both sides are full and fresh. I dont understand this. I am contstantly cleaning up water. I may get new ones that are separate but does anyone know why he is doing this?

      why does my puppy of 6 months paw at his food?

      why does my puppy of 6 months paw at his food? General Dog Discussions
    • This must be a new game for him. You did a good job watching carefully that he paws the food side. Try to figure out whether he does the same thing when there's no water. You may either want to teach the dog not to paw at food bowls, or want to get separate bowls for him.