Which type of Dwarf Hamster should I get?

- I already purchased the Habitrail Ovo Dwarf Hamster set up and I plan to expand on it, but I am having a hard time deciding which hamster to get. They're so cute. Which do you reccomend? I really like the Robos, but heard they are very snippy. I used…

    Which type of Dwarf Hamster should I get?

    - I already purchased the Habitrail Ovo Dwarf Hamster set up and I plan to expand on it, but I am having a hard time deciding which hamster to get. They're so cute. Which do you reccomend? I really like the Robos, but heard they are very snippy. I used…...
    General Dog Discussions : Which type of Dwarf Hamster should I get?...

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    • Which type of Dwarf Hamster should I get?

      Which type of Dwarf Hamster should I get? General Dog Discussions
      - I already purchased the Habitrail Ovo Dwarf Hamster set up and I plan to expand on it, but I am having a hard time deciding which hamster to get. They're so cute. Which do you reccomend? I really like the Robos, but heard they are very snippy. I used to have a regular sized hamster and it broke out of its Crittertrail cage and my cat ate it. I don't have cats anymore, but I still decided to go with a different brand of cage.

      Which type of Dwarf Hamster should I get?

      Which type of Dwarf Hamster should I get? General Dog Discussions
    • I have a Winter White Dwarf Hamster. Shes very cute. These type of hamsters color changes during the winter :D She likes to be held a lot. [: Its cute watching her run in her ball x]

    • I also really like robos. They are absolutely adorable! And i think they make the BEST hamster pets. They arent really snippy, its just an individual personality. I had two (Tic + Tac) and they both loved to be held. Tic nipped/bit me whenever I let her sniff me, but once she was in my hands, she acted like a perfect little angel. Tac was perfect all the time, but it took me a few weeks to tame them. Sadly, they both passed away in 2007. I didnt feel ready to get another until summer 2010, but he is the cutest thing ever! He has the same habit Tic had, but he only occasionally bites, usually he only nips. I bought him from PetSmart (I know it should have been from a breeder but, he was just sooo cute!) and he already seemed mostly tamed. It only took 5 or 6 days after he came home with me(The first two days I left him alone to get used to his new surroundings) before he was used to me and would walk right up onto my hands. For lack of a better name, i call him Bob :X Basically, I love robos, but they are pretty skittish. If you do tame them, however, even though it is a tedious process, it is extremely rewarding and you feel very proud. If you don't have enough time to do this, I would suggest getting a pudding hamster. It is a cross between Winter Whites and Campbells. They are also really cute, but docile by nature because they are part Winter White. My experience with Winter Whites is that they are very gentle and like to be held. I don't really like Campbells even if they are cute, because I fed my cousins Campbell part of a peach and it attacked me (hes really agressive). I ended up bleeding. I hope you decide to get a Robo.Here are some tips for you if you get your dwarf hamster. have found that my hamsters LOVE sunflower seeds, that will be good when you are taming them. They also like yogurt drops. Try talking to them so they get used to your voice when you tame them. Hamsters also love chewing as their teeth never stop growing. Getting them chew sticks or dog biscuits will help. Though most people will be like "Dog biscuts are for DOGS, give a hamster hamster food!", the biscuits are actuallly a healthy treat that boosts protein and gives your hamster something o gnaw on. Keep in mind if you are getting a cage with bars, the hamster can push food, bedding and poop out of the cage, so you might want to lay newspapers around the cage. Also, dont go with the hamster starter kits, the wheels are squeaky and the water bottles are leaky. Invest some more money to save you headaches and keep your hamster happyIf you are going to the pet store to get a hamster and the genders are mixed, ask for a boy. Many times you will end up with about 6 more hamsters than you bargained for. You may want to keep the hamsters in pairs or trios, but have at least another cage ready because they may fight and injure/kill each other. Finally, DONT breed your hamster - if you do not know what you are doing, it could end with the mama eating them, or dying herself during labor. Here are some signs of sickness you should look out for when you get your hamster and after you bring him home.Bumps anywhere on your hamster may be a tumor, it is quite common in old hamsters. If your hamsters butt is wet, it may be wet tail, an extreme case of diarrhea that could kill your little friend. If you hamster is drinking a lot of water, he may have diabetes. Then you would have to remove all sugary things from his diet and stop gving honey treats and yogurt drops, etc. Finally, if you see tiny moving dots around your hamsters ears, and the ears are slightly shredded, it probably has mites.