has anyone heard of a condition in which the iris in a dogs eye is just a fibrous web of tissue?

we took our chihuahua to the vets and he was shocked that the iris in the dogs eye is just a web of fibres

    has anyone heard of a condition in which the iris in a dogs eye is just a fibrous web of tissue?

    we took our chihuahua to the vets and he was shocked that the iris in the dogs eye is just a web of fibres...
    General Dog Discussions : has anyone heard of a condition in which the iris in a dogs eye is just a fibrous web of tissue?...

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    • has anyone heard of a condition in which the iris in a dogs eye is just a fibrous web of tissue?

      has anyone heard of a condition in which the iris in a dogs eye is just a fibrous web of tissue? General Dog Discussions
      we took our chihuahua to the vets and he was shocked that the iris in the dogs eye is just a web of fibres

      has anyone heard of a condition in which the iris in a dogs eye is just a fibrous web of tissue?

      has anyone heard of a condition in which the iris in a dogs eye is just a fibrous web of tissue? General Dog Discussions
    • Membrana Pupillaris Persistens (MPP)Rare disorder, where during the development of the eye remains of the blood vessels, that play a role in the nutrition of the front side of the lens, stay behind. These remains can often be seen as white threats at In severe cases a net of white fibres is found. Sometimes combined with other eye disorders, for example disorder of the retina. Is found to be inherited in a number of breeds.

    • Sounds like:A persistent pupillary membrane results from an abnormality relating to fetal development. As the eye of the normal fetus develops, there are some blood vessels within the eye that are present only in the early stages of development. These vessels normally lose function and deteriorate. Occasionally, however, the deterioration is incomplete, and small strands of abnormal tissue are left within the eye chambers. These fibrous strands may actually crisscross the eye chambers and attach to the lens and/or cornea. A corneal opacity may be seen. There is no treatment, but it's not particularly serious to the dog. It is inherited in some breeds so you should contact the breeder of your dog.