Why does anyone keep big dogs knowing that one day they might kill?

There isnt a dog on this planet who won't go for some one given the reason.Afterwards they say, "He has never done this before"I own two dogs, Yorkies. I can put them in my pocket.

    Why does anyone keep big dogs knowing that one day they might kill?

    There isnt a dog on this planet who won't go for some one given the reason.Afterwards they say, "He has never done this before"I own two dogs, Yorkies. I can put them in my pocket....
    General Dog Discussions : Why does anyone keep big dogs knowing that one day they might kill?...

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    • I get real tired of people blaming the large breeds. I have seen plenty of vicious yappy terriers and poodles. Because they are small, they can't do the damage a larger breed dog can do.Large and Giant breed dogs are awesome! I feel the temperment of a dog depends on his parents, his up-bringing and his environment. Your dog will reflect on your own action and treatment. I have Great Danes, which could do horrible damage from such a huge dog. My male is 140 lbs. at 14 months old. The difference is, my dogs are treated right and respect me. I can trust my dogs with anyone, young and old. The most dangerous part of my dogs are their tails!Large dogs are not killers unless someone has hurt them or they're inbred or have parents with bad temperments.People also need to stop getting dogs to make them look badass. People should not need a specific breed dog to define them (the owners) as tough. That's a big reason why great breeds such as the Pit and Rottie have gotten such a bad rep.

    • exactlyu just answeed ur own Qthere is no dog that won't go for someone given the reasona little dog like a yorkshire terrier wouldn't go 4 someone? couldn't kill a kid right?if u'r taking a risk u might aswell go for what u want n if that's a big dog then fair enoughtry not 2 b so ignorant

    • According to a paper published in the (Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association) JAVMA, "[f]rom 1979 through 1996, dog attacks resulted in more than 300 human dog bite-related fatalities in the United States." Three hundred deaths in more than seventeen years? To extrapolate; less than 18 per year. This is statistically so insignificant that it not even worth mentioning, when considering the 300 million US citizens, and perhaps 20 - 50 million dogs. Why does anyone drive a car knowing that 50 thousand will be killed every year? By comparison, you're safer growling at a pack of pitbulls while wearing a suit made entirely of pork sausage, than you are walking on a golf course in Florida. Big dog breeds do not present such an issue in any significant numbers. Relax and enjoy their companionship and camaraderie. That's (nearly) all they want to give anyway.

    • Many things can kill - including small dogs, and there has even been a case where a cat killed its owner. Fact is that big dogs rarely kill.If we had to be this cautious, we should not have livestock, should eliminate all wild-life that could be a danger to us, should not drive around in cars, should also not get married, because women and men are sometimes killed by their spouses or have children for the exact same reasons or have parents...oh, wait, not possible.However, as owners of big dogs, we do have a responsibility. To ensure that the dog is well socialized and well-trained, to ensure that the dog is under control, never to leave the dog unsupervised with small children. Not to have temperamentally unstable dogs and to be responsible enough to euthanize aggressive dogs that are beyond rehabilitation. Same thing goes for small dogs as well, though.

    • It is people like you that give large breed dogs a bad name because you open your mouth and out comes ignorance. What a prejudiced thing to say about big dogs. People have owned large breed dogs for a long time and I would think if they were as dangerous as you claim, large breed dogs would not be as popular as they are. Any dog, regardless of size, can be dangerous if not properly cared for, socialized and trained. BTW, did you know that small dogs can and have killed too? That means that even your precious little pocket pups can kill. Why do you own carnivorous pack animals that have the propensity to kill.

    • I have big dogs, have had big dogs for years and years.. Not once have they killed anyone. It's those little dogs that bother me.. Running out at you as you try to walk past their house.. Nipping at your legs, tearing your clothes. Chasing you when you try to ride your bike..Their ridiculous owners laughing when they race up to your Big Dogs, trying to act like it's a tough guy.. Those little dogs that people let crap all over the place cause they think that their poop is so small no one will notice.. It's those little dogs I see locked in cars and freaking mad in the mall parking lot tearing the inside of someone's car apart.. Those little dogs that are in the petstore licking all the treats on the shelf... If it's a problem with dogs... I have to say that I see more of a problem with little dogs than big dogs.. You know one day your little Yorkie might bite someone and when you are laughing about it, cause it's ' cute ' you might find that someone sues you.. Then will you say its cute... or ' he has never done that before ' ?????

    • My 16 pound terrier could really hurt someone given the opportunity. I don't (and won't) give her the opportunity, however.Funny, I was bitten by a Yorkshire Terrier foster dog. I probably needed stitches, but didn't want the dog to have a bite history so I just used a butterfly bandage. She was 6 lbs. I still have the scar.

    • Hey - aren't yorkies and pomeranians pretty similar in size??You know - a pomeranian killed a baby awhile ago - guess no human being is safe from being killed by a dog. If there isn't a dog on this planet, then I think you need to include your pocket wonders in there too. If your dogs bit someone the correct way, eg in the femoral or carotid artery, they too would die from bleeding out - and I bet you would say "wow, he's never done that before".Get over yourself.

    • well why not put all little dogs down because they are ankle biters i know lets put you down for being a un compassionate person please dont own dogs if you cant understand them how stupid are you go away and think about the question you have just wrote here

    • I have 2 good sized dogs, a Border Collie and an American Eskimo, neither of which has ever aggressively bit my children, not once. I have to say "aggressively" cuz my Border Collie has nipped at the pant legs, but never once caused my children injury from that, or even so much as a shed tear. I have friends with GSDs, Dalmatians, Golden Retrievers, Belgian Shepherds, Bulldogs, Weims and a variety of other larger breeds. Once again, not one dog ever caused injury to a child or anyone else deliberately.I think maybe you need to go and see your shrink and get some counselling for the obvios issue you must have encountered as a child that instilled an odd fear in large dogs and encouraged you to think they are nothing but killers if they are over a certain size. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, sometimes there are really bad owners who teach their dogs to attack people and sometimes, yes, a dog can indeed kill a person. But the cases are far and few between. Your perceptions are really skewed. Get some help already.

    • Its funny you say you have yorkies because out of all the breeds of dogs, terriers are the worst for biting, its just because they are small they do not do as much damage.its all down to how a dog is raised and its particular temperament, when someone says they're dog has never bitten before, you can guarantee the dog has come from a home where its just been given a bit of training to make it socially competent, and that it had been giving off warning signs for weeks, but the owners were not clued up enough on how a dog behaves to recognise those signs.Of all dogs, it is usually the bigger ones that are more laid back and less likely to bite, its just when they do, they get more press cos they can do a bit of damage.All owners of dogs should have a basic knowledge of canine posturing and behaviour, and should train their dogs to more than just a sociable level. If you meet a dog in the street you are more likely to get snapped at by the little pooch than the big hound. I personally prefer big dogs, i would never trust a dog 100% because they are predators and they are capable of harm, but at the same time..you are more likely to get stabbed or mugged nowadays, than get bitten by a dog....think about that for a while..................