How do I stop my dog from whining?

We have a rescue dog, aged between 18 mths and 2yrs, and can't stop him from whining for attention, no matter how much he gets! We have tried the 'clicker' but it hasn't given good results as yet! Any ideas?

    How do I stop my dog from whining?

    We have a rescue dog, aged between 18 mths and 2yrs, and can't stop him from whining for attention, no matter how much he gets! We have tried the 'clicker' but it hasn't given good results as yet! Any ideas?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I stop my dog from whining?...

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    • feed him or her several times a day give them doggie treats and bones to chew on it works with my dog most of the time unless she is really whiney or if she is left out side her cage after dark

    • perhaps he has summat in his paw/fur/body somewhere thats causing a problem, strong new smells used to do my dogs head in or perhaps one of your neighbours has a doggie whistle and is blowing it

    • If you give him attention when he whines, you are reinforcing the "whining" behavior. Do not reward undesireable behavior.When he is whining, look at him directly in the eye, snap your fingers, point at him and say something like "nope" or "hey" or his name, in a stern but concerned voice. Basically, you need to distract his attention from whining to paying attention to you and your next move. Timing is very important. If he stops whining, then praise him, play with him and give him attention, immediately. If not, turn your back on him and ignore him for 30 seconds, and try it again.He will learn that when he whines he will be ignored, and eventually, he won't whine for your attention, he will just come up to you. It may take 2 to 3 weeks of practice. Everyone in the family has to do this exercise with the dog.Rescue dogs are special animals. You do not have the history on this dog, but you have the privilege of giving him a new life. This whining could be the reason that the people gave him away. Be firm but understanding, and realize that it takes 6 months for a rescue dog to become acclimated with his new surroundings.

    • It can take a long time for rescue pets to feel settled, I have two rescue cats one of which was maltreated before we got her. It took her a long time, and a lot of loving, before she felt secure. Try diverting your dog with toys, teddies and a lot of love, if you are patient he will eventually stop feeling the need for constant attention. Remember they are a little bit like children, all this positive attention is probably a novelty which is why the behavior is constant. Be firm but loving and patient. Hope this helps!

    • try a mirror. dogs get lonely and a reflection helps they see themselves and think they have a friend. at night have a radio playing very quietly where it can hardly be heard by you because their ears can not handle loud noises and place it around where they sleep. good luck

    • Try giving him a stuff animal when your not around. and when he starts whining don't give him attention if you do you will make it worse because he'll think that if he whines he gets love so just be calm but assertive and then when he stops give him love.

    • ignore the dog! dont give him attention whenhe whines. You should give him attention when you want as you are re-inforcing his behaviour. Until you learn that he will never get better

    • You cant - so buy some earplugs and just get on with your life. The Dog will get bored eventually and stop. You could always buy another dog to keep it company or pay your freinds to walk it and keep it company. if all else fails the RSPCA will put it down for you - humanely, of course - Good luck.......