How Do I Get Rid Of The Dog Smell In My Living Room?

I've tried various air fresheners, and even leave the window open for most of the day, but nothing works. He has a crate in the living room, and I've removed all of the bedding because I thought it was that, but no, it's still there. I don't want to…

    How Do I Get Rid Of The Dog Smell In My Living Room?

    I've tried various air fresheners, and even leave the window open for most of the day, but nothing works. He has a crate in the living room, and I've removed all of the bedding because I thought it was that, but no, it's still there. I don't want to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How Do I Get Rid Of The Dog Smell In My Living Room?...

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    • How Do I Get Rid Of The Dog Smell In My Living Room?

      How Do I Get Rid Of The Dog Smell In My Living Room? General Dog Discussions
      I've tried various air fresheners, and even leave the window open for most of the day, but nothing works. He has a crate in the living room, and I've removed all of the bedding because I thought it was that, but no, it's still there. I don't want to keep bathing him, cos it's not good for his natural oil's, but I can't take much more of this smell.And before anyone says "get rid of the dog", I can't, my kid's love him, he's only 8 months and I got him for life! And before anyone says "get a cat"...I've got three. So needless to say, serious answer's only please.He is house trained, and I don't have carpets. It's not a smell of urine, just dog!HE DOES NOT URINATE IN THE HOUSE! how many times do I have to say it!?

      How Do I Get Rid Of The Dog Smell In My Living Room?

      How Do I Get Rid Of The Dog Smell In My Living Room? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't know how reasonable you would consider this to be but is there any way that you can keep the dog out of the living room. It's what Ann Maurice would tell you.

    • i shampoo carpets and furniture but i use gain laundry soap, i have alil hotdog dog and he is still hard to break but,alot better w/crate.anyways gain took the smell out for me.happy holidays

    • That's whats always put me off owning a dog, the smell and the hairs. You could use plug in air fresheners for the house, use Dettol so everything is disinfected and smells nice and use Fabreeze on your curtains and furniture. I'm sure you can buy dog deodorant as well. It would also be worth considering have a few rooms within your house where the dog is not allowed to enter, that way you're not going to have this problem throughout your house.

    • Try cleaning all surfaces with hot vapor steam cleaners and while you do it keep your windows open so you can change air in the room.If you don't own a vapor machine (wich really works in these cases with 100° degrees) you could try using the vapor from the iron but beware not to burn things around :)Don't use the vapor on electronic stuff or on walls!

    • Have you tried frabreeze? You can spray it on all your furniture and curtains and it gets rid of dog smells.You might just have a naturally smelly dog, in which case i dont think you can do much! We have a Springer, who smells, but she's out side during the day and has a little room downstairs to herself for bedtime, so she doesnt cause too many probs as she only come in the living room, during the evening time for cuddles!

    • I think that is the most disgusting smell in the world and I would not have a dog or a cat in my house if you offered me millions of pounds....not that you are likely too.

    • We had that problem with out carpets so we ripped all the carpets up off the ground floor and replaced with laminate loads better, but you have got little ones so laminate might not be for you. I have to wash his bedding every week or it starts to smell doggy its right pain cleaning all the washer afterwards. We also used the neutrodol shake and vac stuff lots of fabreeze on all the furniture and hoover everyday (you probs do anyway), but I would defo get laminate if can and a big rug that you can chuck in the washer.