Any ideas why my dog might be doing this?

He's an almost 2 year old springer spaniel. Today, he started paying alot of attention to his right front paw. I know dogs clean their paws regularly, but today he has been at this 1 paw all day. He'll lie down, lick and bite it for about 10 minutes at a…

    Any ideas why my dog might be doing this?

    He's an almost 2 year old springer spaniel. Today, he started paying alot of attention to his right front paw. I know dogs clean their paws regularly, but today he has been at this 1 paw all day. He'll lie down, lick and bite it for about 10 minutes at a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Any ideas why my dog might be doing this?...

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    • Any ideas why my dog might be doing this?

      Any ideas why my dog might be doing this? General Dog Discussions
      He's an almost 2 year old springer spaniel. Today, he started paying alot of attention to his right front paw. I know dogs clean their paws regularly, but today he has been at this 1 paw all day. He'll lie down, lick and bite it for about 10 minutes at a time, then stops and does it again later. It only started today and he's not behaved like this before. We checked his paw, there doesn't seem to be any injury and he's walking fine, so I'm confused. Any ideas?

      Any ideas why my dog might be doing this?

      Any ideas why my dog might be doing this? General Dog Discussions
    • He's probably got some kind of irritation or more likely he is working on his nails. I would check the nails, and trim them if need be... This is what my dog does, I never took notice if it switched from left to right...

    • My dogs do that when they get a little sticker/seed in there from weeds. Make sure to check between the toes and try to feel if you find anything. Also if it hurts he will let you know when you are checking for stickers.

    • Could be several things. If the hair between his pawpads is too long or if his nails are too long, he may be chewing the foot. Could be a splinter, thorn, etc. Could be a seasonal allergy if things are starting to bloom and grow where you are. Dogs will also chew their feet sometimes out of boredom, so if he hasn't had much stimulation lately, that could also be it.

    • Re check his paws really thoroughly. Check all the pads and all down the sides, the bits inbetween, his nails too right down to the nailbeds, look for any redness,irritation,places where there is a mark such as where a thorn could have entered his paw. If he is paying so much attention to it there is something there.

    • Something is obviously irritating him. Could be something stuck between his pads, a nettle type sting perhaps, maybe a fungal infection between the pads if you've had him in wet area. Are his nails ok and not sticking into his skin? Your vet will advise.