When training a Hearing Dog for The Deaf, do you train them to respond differently to different sounds?

Are they trained to respond differently according to the sound, or do they just respond the one way (how?) to the sound and it is up to the deaf person to deal with it?Thanks.Yes, so would the dog just alert the person 'a sound has happened' and the…

    When training a Hearing Dog for The Deaf, do you train them to respond differently to different sounds?

    Are they trained to respond differently according to the sound, or do they just respond the one way (how?) to the sound and it is up to the deaf person to deal with it?Thanks.Yes, so would the dog just alert the person 'a sound has happened' and the…...
    General Dog Discussions : When training a Hearing Dog for The Deaf, do you train them to respond differently to different sounds?...

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    • When training a Hearing Dog for The Deaf, do you train them to respond differently to different sounds?

      When training a Hearing Dog for The Deaf, do you train them to respond differently to different sounds? General Dog Discussions
      Are they trained to respond differently according to the sound, or do they just respond the one way (how?) to the sound and it is up to the deaf person to deal with it?Thanks.Yes, so would the dog just alert the person 'a sound has happened' and the person goes to find the source of the sound, ORWould the dog have one response for the one sound, and a different response for a different sound?

      When training a Hearing Dog for The Deaf, do you train them to respond differently to different sounds?

      When training a Hearing Dog for The Deaf, do you train them to respond differently to different sounds? General Dog Discussions
    • The dogs are taught which sounds they respond to. The dog is trained to go to the source of the sound, then alert the deaf person and taken them to the source of the sound. They are trained to do this continously until the deaf person responds to the sound.

    • Hearing dogs are trained for the specific person. Doorbells, telephones, whatever the deaf persons lifestyle entails. They can also be trained to specific voices and alert the owner to a stranger.

    • Both answers are correct, but I don't think either one answered your question. Your question is a good and thoughtful one. Generally we teach the dog to respond in one way, depending on the size of the dog and the preference and needs of the individual with the hearing impairment. The dog would be trained to respond to specific sounds (e.g., the handler's name, breaking glass, baby crying, alarm clock, smoke alarm, etc.) as cues to alert the handler to the sound either by nudging with the nose or pawing. If it is a small dog, pawing is often trained. The handler is taught to respond by asking, "What?" with an accompanying hand signal and to follow the dog to the source of the sound. Nudging and pawing are the only two responses to sounds that I am aware of that are used. It is possible to train a dog to have a specific response to a specific sound and although I cannot think of a good example or reason to do it, it is definitely possible.