Advice on my dog please regarding having her dressed?

My dog is 2 and a half. I had her a vet 2day for her booster jab and general check up vet says shes very health, but rec commends i get her dressed as it can cause problems when she is older if i don't. Does any1 know anything about it and if so should i…

    Advice on my dog please regarding having her dressed?

    My dog is 2 and a half. I had her a vet 2day for her booster jab and general check up vet says shes very health, but rec commends i get her dressed as it can cause problems when she is older if i don't. Does any1 know anything about it and if so should i…...
    General Dog Discussions : Advice on my dog please regarding having her dressed?...

    • Advice on my dog please regarding having her dressed?

      Advice on my dog please regarding having her dressed? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is 2 and a half. I had her a vet 2day for her booster jab and general check up vet says shes very health, but rec commends i get her dressed as it can cause problems when she is older if i don't. Does any1 know anything about it and if so should i get her done.

      Advice on my dog please regarding having her dressed?

      Advice on my dog please regarding having her dressed? General Dog Discussions
    • I assume you mean having her spayed?Unspayed b1tches are at risk of life threatening conditions like uterine infections and, in some breeds, have an increased chance of mammary tumours so getting her spayed is a good idea. Better to have her spayed now while she is young and fit rather than having to have an emergency operation when she has developed an infection and is older.Have her spayed midway between her seasons, when her hormones levels are normal and the blood supply to the uterus is less than around the time of her season.Neutering a b1tch has far less effect on personality than neutering a dog, you will probably notice very little difference although you will have to watch her intake of food.

    • I did some research when considering this for my female dog. I read that neutering can cause loss of coat condition when older and lead to incontinence - not sure how reliable this source was, but I decided not to have her neutered as I was sure I could contain her and there was no danger of pups. She is fine, never had any phantom pregnancies or anything like that. I am happy with the decision I made.You should balance up the pros and cons and make the decision that feels right.

    • We have kept dogs for over 30 years and have never had an unspayed female develop a major health problem. Lots of them can develop mammary tumours and quite a few of ours have but the tumours were benign. Vets of course like to push having your dog spayed as its a nice little earner for them. The last one we had spayed cost us £315. I would make my own decision about this - if it makes life easier for you to have her spayed then do so but dont let anyone force you into doing it.

    • Hi, if you are asking about spaying, then just to clarify that vets don't spay animals to earn lots of extra money! There are lots of unwanted animals out there because of irresponsible "backyard breeding" and accidental matings and spaying helps prevent adding to this problem. However, its an individual choice and you should think about buying a good dog care book and researching the internet before you decide what to do. I looked on as many genuine dog information sites as I could and drew up a pros and cons list before I decided what to do with my dog, don't just rely on other dog owners opinions as everyone loves their dog so much they are bound to think they made the right decision and will try to encourage you to follow suit.Hope this helps!By the way, never heard it called dressing before (maybe you are just considering if its cold enough to put her in a coat or not loltake care