what are the side affects of tumours in dogs?

does anybody know how you can tell, from his behaviour, if a dog has a tumour?

    what are the side affects of tumours in dogs?

    does anybody know how you can tell, from his behaviour, if a dog has a tumour?...
    General Dog Discussions : what are the side affects of tumours in dogs?...

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    • what are the side affects of tumours in dogs?

      what are the side affects of tumours in dogs? General Dog Discussions
      does anybody know how you can tell, from his behaviour, if a dog has a tumour?

      what are the side affects of tumours in dogs?

      what are the side affects of tumours in dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • Nobody on here can tell you what is wrong with your dog, they will all be guesses. Take the dog to the vet for a proper check up. There is something wrong with him, he has been a loyal pet for over 10 years, what are you waiting for?