My dog's stitches opened and she has a 3" diameter wound. How long will it take to heal? What can I do to help

My dog had a mast cell tumor removed a few weeks ago. Her stitches burst and were re-sewn. The vet told me if they burst again, there will not be enough skin to re-sew and to leave it open. It is now a 3" diameter wound and you can see the muscle…

    My dog's stitches opened and she has a 3" diameter wound. How long will it take to heal? What can I do to help

    My dog had a mast cell tumor removed a few weeks ago. Her stitches burst and were re-sewn. The vet told me if they burst again, there will not be enough skin to re-sew and to leave it open. It is now a 3" diameter wound and you can see the muscle…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog's stitches opened and she has a 3" diameter wound. How long will it take to heal? What can I do to help...

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    • My dog's stitches opened and she has a 3" diameter wound. How long will it take to heal? What can I do to help

      My dog's stitches opened and she has a 3" diameter wound. How long will it take to heal? What can I do to help General Dog Discussions
      My dog had a mast cell tumor removed a few weeks ago. Her stitches burst and were re-sewn. The vet told me if they burst again, there will not be enough skin to re-sew and to leave it open. It is now a 3" diameter wound and you can see the muscle underneath. I don't feel like I am getting good advice...any suggestions? Please, I'm desperate!

      My dog's stitches opened and she has a 3" diameter wound. How long will it take to heal? What can I do to help

      My dog's stitches opened and she has a 3" diameter wound. How long will it take to heal? What can I do to help General Dog Discussions
    • go to another vet - you can't leave an open wound open!!!!get a second opinion! and if they say the same, ask the same question to them that you are asking now

    • Go to another vet and follow the advice on limiting activity and licking. Sounds like your dog needs to wear an E collar(lampshade) or you need to restrict her activity, or both. Your vet sounds like an A**! I would take her to another vet and QUICKLY. Infection is well on it's way!

    • Go to the vet again. There must be another way to close the wound. Even if they can't suture the skin edges together, it needs to be covered with SOMETHING, or your dog will likely get infected. Even a bandage would be better than leaving it open.

    • Consult your veterinarian!!! If you can't afford to do this, go to your local library, and get some books pertaining to veteranarian science. If you need to use the internet then use the below URL"The E'Ville Librarian"

    • Ask the vet. Did she chew at them or did they just come out? If they just come out, I would complain to the vet b/c some idiot over there dosn't know how to put sutures in correctly. If she chewed them, she may need to get them redone and you may need to buy her an e collar while you're ther so it dosn't happen again.

    • You can't deal with this yourself and the wound won't heal by itself in this condition, your dog will get a serious infection and could die.The vet who did this needs to help your dog - he can't just wash his hands of it. If he won't help, go to another vet and tell him what happened and GET THAT DOG SOME HELP TO HEAL.Please don't wait, once infection sets in, it will be very hard to heal your dog.

    • My GOD are you serious?Get your dog back to the vets right now!!!Your vet was probably right about not being able to restitch but your dog needs emergency treatment now. stitching may not be an option but sealing the wound is. Silicon will probably used. infection will set in if you delay.

    • Get a second opinion.There is a synthetic skin that's used on people, so being that vet care is allegedly catching up with human treatment I'd ask the new vet about such a thing.Could be expensive though, hope you have insurance. Good luck, Give your dog a stroke from me ;)

    • you have to go back to your vet and get it restitched, this should be free of charge. Open wounds can cause infections and will cost you more monay in the long run or the life of your dog.

    • #1, I would find a different vet! There is nothing you can do yourself! If the would stays open, then it will most likely become infected, and the dog could be at risk of dying. Have a different vet take a look at him, poor baby! There are ways to at least cover the wound properly, to minimize infection. Good Luck! Hope she's better soon!

    • Get you some hemorrhoid medicine and apply it to spot. Keep a bandage over it for the dog will not lick it off. I had a horse that cut itself all the way to the muscle and we applied the hemorrhoid medicine every day and wrapped it. You can hardly see a scar.

    • Often times when there is a wound over a high stress point this will happen, not the vets fault. If there is not enough skin to close it again, it will have to heal by 2nd intention (granulation, or scabbing over). The most important thing to do is keep it clean and DO NOT let him lick at it. You can wash it lightly a couple times a day with some antibacterial hand soap (dont use hydrogen peroxide, it kills cells and doesnt promote healing) pat it dry very well and then apply a antibiotic ointment (Triple antibiotic, neosporin etc just dont use anything with a pain reliever in it). Have you received biopsy results back yet? Mast cell tumors are very aggressive, need to make sure that the margins are clean and that is not why it keeps splitting open. Even with clean margins, there is still a high possibility of reoccurence. Good luck.

    • You need to see another vet and get a second opinion. Is the dog pulling the stitches out or was she poorly sewn up? You dog needs to be sewn up so infection doesn't set in. If your dog is chewing them out you need to put on a e-collar (Elizabethan-Collar).

    • You could try glueing it clolsed. Any type of super glue or nail glue will work. Just pinch it closed with tweezers and apply the glue on top of the skin not inside the wound. Only takes a few minutes to dry. And you may have to do this about every three days until it finishes healing.