When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?

My dog has arthritis. His hind legs go out from underneath him more and more each day. He snaps when someone other than a family member pets him as he has many sore spots and some unoperable tumors. We have many teenage kids around our house, so this is…

    When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?

    My dog has arthritis. His hind legs go out from underneath him more and more each day. He snaps when someone other than a family member pets him as he has many sore spots and some unoperable tumors. We have many teenage kids around our house, so this is…...
    General Dog Discussions : When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?...

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    • When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?

      When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has arthritis. His hind legs go out from underneath him more and more each day. He snaps when someone other than a family member pets him as he has many sore spots and some unoperable tumors. We have many teenage kids around our house, so this is a major concern. He's 16 years old and we adore him. In spite of all his ailments, he'll rip across the yard after a squirrel.

      When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?

      When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep? General Dog Discussions
    • If he seems to be really suffering, then do the humane thing and have him euthanized. It sounds like this might be a wise thing to do, considering his age and that he is in pain. I'm very sorry about your dog.

    • Only when he is suffering and only suffering, I mean not having any pleasure in life, then it is time to put him down. If he still eats, hunts squirrels and enjoys your love, he's OK. Would you kill an old and invalid grandmother, who is sane and nice? No. Euthanasia is considered when the dog looks like he's asking for it, and has given up on life. For the moment he isn't.

    • What a terrible position to be in, I do sympathise. You must speak to your vet and ask his advice. You obviously love your animal and dont want to see him suffer but is there anything your vet can do to alleviate the dogs terrible pain at least for a while. If he is not enjoying any quality of life it would be fairer to have him put to sleep but I would still seek advice from a proffessional in case there is something else you could do. I had the same problem with my cat a few years ago so I know what you are going through. God bless!

    • if you feel the pain is hurting him to much for liking then me personal would put the dog out of its misery and put it down, family members should understand if he is old n poorly =(

    • guess u have to ask urself, why are you keeping him alive, for him or for you? if he has a good life, in spite of his health problems and isnt in constant pain, then its for him, to experience more love and happiness. but if hes still alive because u cant bear to be without him, or to actually put him down, then thats a bit selfish, and not really benefiting him. but this is probably the worst position a pet owner can be in, i wish u the best in your decision

    • If the dog is in pain and has nothing to live for like it cant run around and enjoy it's life, but if it's healthy and not suffering then it would be wrong to put it to sleep

    • I work at a vet clinic - and we always say if the quality of life is gone no good to put them down. Are we still eating/drinking ok? Still happy and not painful? Able to go to the bathroom on their own? It sounds like your dog is snapping at family members because he is painful. Pain meds can be given to ease the pain, however it the pain is not manageable - he should be put down. You don't want to keep a pet around for yourself or other family members. It is nice that we have this option for them - putting them out of their pain. Yeah maybe he still has a spark in him for chasing the squirrels, but other that that he seems pretty unhappy. I would try to manage the pain, but if you can't put him down. You would be doing the right thing! Good luck and sorry!

    • I'm really sorry to hear about your dog. Pets do become a part of the family and it is hard to make a decision like this.I've had to put two animals to sleep in past years. And I just knew when it was time. There's a different look in their eyes and they are pretty much unresponsive.You do need to seek some pain management from the vet. It's not right to make the dog endure pain when it's not necessary. Your vet. can also help guide you as to determining when is the right time to let go.

    • You need to have your Vet's input as to what his pain and suffering is. If he feels he has quality of life left, then do what you can to help him. Maybe heating pads, softer beds, pain relievers and everyone at home to understand how much he can hurt. Soothing talk maybe, instead of hands on, for your pet. Let your children be involved with the decision making regarding his health, so when the time comes for his passing, it might be easier for all to handle. Good luck and God bless

    • When you see that they are in a lot of pain! I had my dog for 12 years and it is a hard thing to do ,but it is better for the dog because you don't want them to suffer till they get so weak and die naturally!! I am so sorry and GOD BLESS !!

    • Just a few months ago we had to have a westie put to sleep because she was really ill and just got worse everyday but when she saw food she would be off but stopped even getting up on her last few days. i would consult it with your vet first before you do anything but its just going to get worst I'm sure! it will be best for the dog as well that what you have to think! it's not fair on the dog if your keeping it alive in pain just for you sake! that is what we had to think because we had the same problem

    • The first and most important thing to consider when you are thinking about putting your loyal and loving pet to sleep, is their quality of life..or whether the "good moments" are outweighed by the pain that they are in..Its good that he still enjoys chasing after squirrels, but how does he react after he is done?? Is he in more pain than normal??I know its hard to think about doing it, but I have been there..too many times.I have a cat right now, that is dying from inoperable cancer in her mammary glands, but so far she is still eating and acting happy..The very moment that she stops eating or acting like she is any pain or even the possibility that she may be hurt because of her weakened state of health by my other cats, I will do what I have to do.. I will not have her suffer...Hope this helps...and Good Luck..

    • Talk with your vet. There are treatments for arthritis in animals, some are very successful. If he is in discomfort, but still has a good quality in life, Enjoy his company and do anything medically to keep him comfortable and happy. If he is able to chase after squirrels, I would say his quality of life has not been enough of an issue to have him put down. But, I would talk to your vet about options in treatment for discomfort, there are options:)

    • If your dog's legs are giving out it sound like he really has bad legs,the snapping sounds like he is in real pain and that is the only way he can tell you not to touch him. I think you would be doing the right thing by putting him down. He has lived a long and happy life with your family You don"t want him to suffer anymore than he has to. It might be time to say goodby My dog Blacky was also 16 when we put him down on DEC 29. It was the hardest thing My family have had to do, but i know it was the right thing.He had also been falling because his legs would give out on him and he was in pain all the time. I to have 2 teenage Boys. my youngest is 14 so Blacky was hear is whole life. You will grieve and you will talk about him and miss him and sometimes it will seem your heart is breaking in two, But it gets a little easier as time passes and when you are ready think about getting another dog. He will never replace this one but you will make new memories with him and your family. I hope this helps a little Good luck and i will be praying for you and you dog.

    • you'll know when its time. weve just lost 2 lurchers to old age and cancer. buddy was 19, and he just couldnt stand up on his own. it breaks your heart, but when we know it will stop their suffering, well, its a little easier. dogs become part of the family and its distressing, but thats our responsibility, to look after tehm and make these decisions.. and if he can still rip across teh yard for squirrels, then get him some pain medication, from your vets or give him half an aspirin with his dinner... it exteneded buddies stay with us for at least a year...

    • we put our pug dog to sleep when she was 15 because she had a bladder infection and she could barely walk...... i'm only 14 sooo i was devistated.. but if you do put him to sleep buy a new puppy as soon as possible to get your kids mind off of the old dog.

    • talk to your vet. i've had to put pets to sleep a few times due to inoperable illness. you need to figure out if the dogs quality of life is being compromised and how much. talking to the vet about this is going to give you some insight. as for snapping at non family members, tell everyone not to go near the dog. it's your house so they must respect this.since the dog still wants to get that squirrel, you have to wonder " does it look like he wants to give up ,yet" i'm so sorry for you and your dog. i know this is heart breaking. best wishes.

    • About now is my sad advice.You have outlined the danger problem to strangers and you would not want an incident to occur would you?So everybody say a sweet goodbye to your dear and faithful friend.Take him gently to the vets and, as we did, bring along a taste of his favorite food, like a nice piece of chicken or beef. Tell him how much you love him as you have his last treat together. Then pay the vet and walk away before the tears blur your vision.On the way home think of the wonderful times you had with your dog. Some of us went out and got another dog of the exact same breed and called the new dog the same name. It was almost like cloning our dear departed.