When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?

My dog has arthritis. His hind legs go out from underneath him more and more each day. He snaps when someone other than a family member pets him as he has many sore spots and some unoperable tumors. We have many teenage kids around our house, so this is…

    When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?

    My dog has arthritis. His hind legs go out from underneath him more and more each day. He snaps when someone other than a family member pets him as he has many sore spots and some unoperable tumors. We have many teenage kids around our house, so this is…...
    General Dog Discussions : When do you feel is the right time to have a very old and much loved dog put to sleep?...

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    • When you know that the quality of his life is failing. When he no longer wants to play. If there is still a doubt in your mind just let him do his thing until then. The day will come when you no longer can stand to see him in pain or he just doesn't enjoy life any more.Do your have him on Remadil(sp) for the arthritis? If not, ask your vet. It will help with the pain and make life for him a little easier.

    • Hi, Have a word with your vet, he will discuss this with you. You know there is never a right time with a much loved pet, he is a member of your family and you love him. It will be very hard for you and your family and i feel so sorry for you all. It happened to me last year with my cat, he had cancer. When the end eventually came i was with him i took him and had him cremated he is now in a beautiful box on my window sill, and i still talk to him. You never know he still may have a little time longer yet.....Good Luck

    • i had 2 put mine to sleep not long ago, she was 17 years of age, yes she had alot of get up and go in her, but at the same time she was tired alot an i could see her pain, it took us a long time to let her go an say good bye, it took long cause we saw the good side, but then was hard when we saw the sad side, she was very old 4 a dog an she was getting lumps on her, u will no yourself an u will feel it in your heart when the rite time is, im also very sory cause its a really hard thing to cope with, but the pain wil go, an even though he or she may not want to go, at the same time im sure he or she wil b crying 2 help them, an its the only way, as sad as it is, an always wil b , sometimes we have to make a choice an b strong even though we dont want to. life is so cruel and i hate that, but please be strong, sorry if my words have upset you. they upset me to when i was told the same. and even now and then, i will still call out to her to come for dinner, cause i forget from time to time. sory here i am talking about how i felt. well you will no when the time is right ok. take care

    • I went thru this last October my Herbie just looked at me one day his eyes full of pain, that day he really couldn't get to standing without help, he went that evening(vets) and he was put down in the back of the car with me cuddling him. He's in the garden now. You will Know when he's had enough. Tell and put a sign up to tell the kids that no one is to upset him and they must respect his space, they are way old enough to understand. I am now going thru the same thing with Herbie's brother Josh. no tail because of cancer lots of lumps getting less energetic day by day, still loves his ball though. Its not time yet while they can enjoy their lives. they have a right to life love and respect. Have you tried Glaucosamine for the arthritis? It worked for Herbie and Josh it's the cancer I can't do anything about. Sorry if I'm moaning. Enjoy your boy for as long as you can.

    • I know it's difficult, but there is going to be the time and soon, you should sit in a room with just your dog and you and look into his eyes, he'll let you know. You can sense it too. I've been in this position before, and it was sad and frustrating, but in all, it was better to see her spirit free than in pain.

    • Your dog sounds to be a little grumpy with the pain, he's still able to do alot, even tho it slower for him, He'll let you know when it's time... let him have his last bit of fun and love before you come to any decision. Not an easy decision ever.

    • I am very sorry to hear about your dog. When to put an animal to sleep is a very hard question which can only be answered by the owner. One question you may want to ask yourself is your dog still happy generally in life or miserable. I always found my animals have a way of telling me when it is the right time. Follow your gut instinct it is usually right.

    • If he still seems happy and to enjoy things like chasing squirrels then the time is not here yet. Only when his health problems mean he has no enjoyment from life should you think about doing it.That could be a year or 2 from now or just a few weeks-there is no way to predict.In the meantime look into getting him pain relief for his arthritis. Tell teenage kids who visit your house (presumably to visit your own kids) to leave him in peace or not to come in.

    • there are lots of meds that your vet can give you to take pain away,(Rimadyl,Deramaxx ect..) If that doesn't work i tell people you will know. when he cant get up on his own , or doesn't eat good, or the life he use to live is not thers anymore then it is time. i'm sorry, i know it's hard. i 've done it too. good luck

    • If you have pet insurance, your dog MAY be covered to undergo a hip replacement. My friends got recently had surgery and is a much happier chap now.It's all about quality of life, he is getting on in years, but is obviously a much loved member of your family. Not a decision anyone can make for you.All I can suggest is that you try to put your own feelings about him to one side, and take a long look at wether he is now ready for a well earned rest.My thoughts are with you, Good luck.

    • If hes in pain and cant go on like this, I'd say its time. Coming from a kid that just woke up and MY dog was gone with no one telling me there putting it down, please tell your kids that its time for him to move on and let them say goodbye, it broke my heart when my mother just took the dog from my bed even when I was sleeping and put her down.

    • when there pain becomes to much.as for the kids they are old enough to understand and behave,and look out for him.i no its very sad Ive lost a fue never gets better good luck Jo

    • My Dog had arthritis in his spine which caused his back legs to give way,it came on very quickly and as much as I wanted to find a "cure" he was 15 and his quality of life was slipping away ,it was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make but I had him put to sleep,very upsetting but it really was the best that I could do for him and I guess that you know what you have to do,as heart breaking as it is you have to do the right thing for him...Good Luck.

    • Im afraid to say that it is time to say goodbye. loosing a much loved pet is hard but if they are in pain its for the best.as he is snapping at people who pet him is a big indication of pain.do what is best for the dog not you.