do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?

If there is nothing medically wrong with your pet, weather it is a cat, dog, horse, bird, fish etc.Do you think every animal should be able to experience having a baby (saying baby, as there are many names for offspring of animals).Just to add, i have…

    do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?

    If there is nothing medically wrong with your pet, weather it is a cat, dog, horse, bird, fish etc.Do you think every animal should be able to experience having a baby (saying baby, as there are many names for offspring of animals).Just to add, i have…...
    General Dog Discussions : do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?...

    • do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?

      do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring? General Dog Discussions
      If there is nothing medically wrong with your pet, weather it is a cat, dog, horse, bird, fish etc.Do you think every animal should be able to experience having a baby (saying baby, as there are many names for offspring of animals).Just to add, i have actually had my cat spayed, this is just a question which was put upon me, the fact i was being unfair because she has not had a litter.melissa k, lol i never thought of that hehe, i have no idea.But just to add again, I HAVE SPAYED MY CAT!!! this is a question that has been asked to me.zipperfootpress, i very much agree with you.KimbeeJ, o my goodness, that must have been so tragic to see :(The Y!ABut - thanks :)

      do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring?

      do you think it is unfair to sterilise your pet if they have never had offspring? General Dog Discussions
    • Do you think it would be unfair for a dog to get cancer or other diseases that could have been prevented by a simple surgery?its people who are hung up on the baby aspect. Millions of animals each year are euthanized or in shelters due to lack of care. Do you think its fair to them to be in there?

    • Spaying and neutering of cats and dogs and rabbits is actually better for their health. Animals don't "experience" offspring. They do what happens and move on. It is NOT a human. We give them human emotions because we want them to have them without regards to the actual animals best interest.Added: Cheryl: Pull the pigtails a little tighter. Its an animal it doesn't have "womens problems" Nor "bitches problems". It is actually a scierntific fact that with each heat cycle a "Bitch" goes through it increses her chances of Breast Cancer. The problems occur when the "Bitch" does whelp a litter. Please if you can not give CORRECT or at least something correct do not answer!!!

    • I spoke to my vet about this subject and he said that people confuse human emotion with their pets - there is no medical reason why a dog should father a litter or a bitch should have pups. There are so many strays in this world so why add to the problem. I had my dog neutered, we got him from the dogs home and it was so sad to see 100's of abandoned dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. If I had the space I would of taken more. I think unless you are a professional breeder then you should have your dog/bitch spayed etc - other than that you are being irresponsible.

    • I don't think it's unfair at all! There are WAY too many unwanted animals in this me THAT is unfair. Have you been to an animal rescue or to a shelter lately? THAT is unfair...their poor, sad, lonely faces...THAT is by far more unfair than a sterilized animal that has never had "babies". Fixing your pet is the responsible thing to do...and fair.

    • This world is so over-run with animals that nobody wants. If you have a pet please do not breed it. The animal does not know the difference, and I have never heard that spaying an animal causes more "female" problems nor have I experienced that. One look up and down the isles of the humane society may change your mind. It's heart wrenching.Also, dealing with a dog in heat is hell! Every male dog from within a 5 mile radius wants to jump your dog and the blood is a mess. I vote for spaying/neutering.

    • No, it is not unfair. Animals are ruled by instinct, and instinct guides them to breed when ready. It is not a thought process like with humans. There are no emotions involved. If you are going to breed your animal, then learn everything you can about doing so. Be aware of the medical emergencies that can arise and be prepared emotionally and financially to deal with them. Know that early spaying/neutering can greatly decrease disease in some species. I've worked for vets for over 20 years...nothing is sadder than having to do a C-section on a dog that has been in labor for 2 days, with owners who weren't prepared to pay hundreds of dollars for an emergency, only to remove dead puppies. Nothing "fair" about it.

    • I think that you are making the generalization that female pets want to experience motherhood just like a female human does. Last time that I checked my cat and dogs don't go all ga ga over a new kitten or puppy that I bring home. More like that want to kick the shit out of it. I believe that you are giving human qualities to animals. Don't get me wrong I love my pets and take really good care of them. And yes I baby them and talk to them. But in the big scheme of things my pets don't rank anywhere never human intelligance nor status. Don't get me wrong someday my girls (blk labs) will be having a litter each. But not because I think that they need to experience motherhood. I simply want a litter from them and I have ppl that want a puppy from my girls.

    • Not spaying or neutering your pet leaves them more likely to get cancer. So it IS done for medical reasons. I just adopted a dog at 5 who was pregnant and I'm very concerned that she'll develop cancer because her former owners didn't take care of her.Dogs aren't people, having a baby isn't a joyful occasion for them. In fact, many studies show that mama dogs wind up disliking their own babies after time, despite having nursed them, etc.They're ANIMALS - they don't have the ability to process the same emotions as humans.Keep your animals healthy, get them spayed or neutered.

    • Not cruel at all. Those of you that believe they should be "mommas" need to spent a some time volunteerring at an animal sheltre. I know medically that it is better on an animal to be "fixed" but I used to think, "awww, let them be a momma at least once first." Then I spent a few months working at a shelter. After a week I made arrangements for my animals to be altered. For those that cannot volunteer at a shelter, let me give you a hint about the amount of kittens, puppies and cats and dogs that got put down DAILY becasue there are no homes for them.... The trucks that came to "retrieve" the bodies were NOT regular size pickup trucks... they wouldn't hold a days worth during the spring!!!

    • Not unfair at all. Dogs, cats, horses, etc. do not long to be parents. They reproduce because nature tells them to. There are certainly plenty of animals around so it isn't necessary for the survival of the species for most pets to breed.Cats and dogs that are left intact are more prone to health issues than those who are fixed. Giving birth in no way prevents any medical problems and actually puts the animal at greater risk.Can fish be sterilized?!?!

    • I think all a pet wants is your love. They deserve a good quality of life. They don't think like us humans in terms of biological clocks and wanting to have someone to carry on the name etc.. Deciding to sterilise a pet should be based on wheteher you can handle or take care of more pets. If not, I think its better to have them sterilised than to have unwanted pets who are not taken cared of properly and not given the love they deserve.

    • In 6 years, one female dog and her offspring can be the source of 67,000 puppies. In 7 years, one cat and her young can produce 420,000 kittens.Neutering Dog's - Why it's a Good IdeaDecreased AggressionDecreased RoamingIncreased ConcentrationNo Testicular TumorsImproved GeneticsFewer HerniasFewer Perianal TumorsFewer Prostate ProblemsSpaying Dogs's - Why it's a Good IdeaOvariohysterectomyTubal Ligation or HysterectomyEstrusMammary cancerTumors of the reproductive tractUterine infectionsFalse pregnancyHair coat problemsI know I can find homes for all the offspring my dog will have when I breed her/him. So, it is fine if I go ahead, right?Making sure you have homes for all the puppies is a good first step. You also need to be sure the breeding will produce quality puppies. Have the male and female dogs had a medical exam to be sure they are healthy? Are they free of venereal diseases? Are they free from hereditary problems such as hip dysplasia in dogs? Are their vaccinations up-to-date, and have they been wormed? Do you know what food and equipment you will need to give the mother and puppies proper care? Are you ready to pay the extra veterinary costs if there are problems with the pregnancy or delivery? You see, a lot goes into responsible breeding.

    • Your pet will most likely live a longer, healthier life when sterilized. Like people, just because we can reproduce doesn't always mean it is a good idea. Reproduction is a biological function and most animals have no type of emtional connections with their offspring. If they did, they would be unable to let the babies go to make it on their own. I am sure you have seen the negative outcome of this situation in some humans you know! ;)

    • Sterilizing your pet weather its a cat or dog is beneficial for the animals health. It can prevent them from developing cancer & helps them live longer. Did you know that over 50,000 dogs & cats are put down every year. Because some owners want their pets to have at least one littler before they get their animals fixed!