Is a French Bulldog a good pet? Any information or opinions on them?

I'm a 24 year old female, I have my own apartment and I've been considering getting a dog for awhile now. I own my own business (well co own) so I work from home and then sometimes may be gone a few hours for meetings every other day or on a quick trip…

    Is a French Bulldog a good pet? Any information or opinions on them?

    I'm a 24 year old female, I have my own apartment and I've been considering getting a dog for awhile now. I own my own business (well co own) so I work from home and then sometimes may be gone a few hours for meetings every other day or on a quick trip…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is a French Bulldog a good pet? Any information or opinions on them?...

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    • Is a French Bulldog a good pet? Any information or opinions on them?

      Is a French Bulldog a good pet? Any information or opinions on them? General Dog Discussions
      I'm a 24 year old female, I have my own apartment and I've been considering getting a dog for awhile now. I own my own business (well co own) so I work from home and then sometimes may be gone a few hours for meetings every other day or on a quick trip to our office etc. I do live in an apartment but it's quite spacious so I have plenty room for a dog. A friend of a friend through work has a French Bulldog that she's looking for a new home for. She's moving to the USA and unfortunately can't bring him with her and I was asked if I wanted to adopt him. I feel like it's a great opportunity but I just have a few concerns.Would the dog be ok on his own for a few hours when I have meetings and such? Bear in mnd I do work from home but I would need to go out for a few hours every so often during the day. Also, would he be ok living in an apartment? My apartment is big but I'm conscious I don't have a garden however there is a big garden downstairs that he can be taken out to. Besides that, is there anything about French Bulldogs I should know? Their temperament etc? My younger sister who is 16 lives with me too so he'd have other company too besides me. Is it a good idea for me to adopt him? I really want him but I want to make sure my living situation is suitable for him

      Is a French Bulldog a good pet? Any information or opinions on them?

      Is a French Bulldog a good pet? Any information or opinions on them? General Dog Discussions
    • French Bulldogs make wonderful pets because their only real purpose is to serve as a companion. The down side of this is they like to be around their family for as much time as possible. But providing there is someone home for nice amounts of time each day, this should't be a problem. All dogs can be left for a couple of hours a day. Though they are compact in size and tend to weigh just under 2 stone. Because of their smooshed faces, they are prone to snort, wheeze, belch, burp, vomit, etc. due to their elongated soft palates and pinched stenotic nares (which may require corrective surgery and special anesthesia protocolos). They come with a hefty price tag. Poorly bred French Bulldogs can be plagued with allergies, congenital defects, spinal / osteo deformities, hypothyroidism, or any number of chronic health problems. They are also prone to weight gain, as all bull dogs are. They can be clingy and although they aren't known for being noisy can be at times (i.e. if there are fire works outside). But I'd say not to let that put you off. They are one of the friendliest and most good natured dogs around. They're good for novice owners as they're generally obedient, don't need particular extensive grooming (just a bath now and then, at least once a month), they're good in apartments providing you take him out a couple of times a day (they don't need extensive exercise, but need some to maintain healthy weight levels), they enjoy to play and are good with children and strangers (this is a generalisation and can't be take as gospel for every sing dog).

    • French Bulldogs are great apartment dogs actually. They were bred to be companion dogs and as such, don't require a huge amount of exercise. As long as they're well socialized and trained, they have great personalities and are very outgoing dogs.That being said, like all flat faced dogs, they are prone to a fairly large list of possible health issues. They tend to snore and fart a lot. They have a hard time breathing so when they sleep, they can snore quite loudly and they tend to take in a lot of air when they eat, so that makes them prone to gas.They're prone to skin infections if the folds on their face aren't cleaned on a regular basis. Sensitive skin baby wipes work great for that, btw, and as long as it's done once a day, it's usually not an issue.They can develop eye problems easily because their eyes bulge a bit.Knee problems are also common, but as long as the dog is kept at a good weight, it's usually only minor issues.Dental problems are common as well because their teeth are crowded into a small mouth. Brushing the teeth once a day and having them professionally cleaned as needed will do tons to extend the healthy life of the dog.As long as you keep a good eye on their skin, eyes, weight and teeth, they're great dogs. Your schedule and living conditions are more than okay for a Frenchie. You sound like you're home more than most people, and they do great in situations like that. I would crate him when he's home by himself to keep him from getting into things, though. I would seriously consider adopting him. It sounds like it would be a good fit for you.