My dog keeps biting his back legs and crying. What could this be?

He has been doing this for most of the day now and we are getting worried.It is only his back legs.He sounds frustrated and upset.Please help.Thanks <img src="" alt=":)" />

    My dog keeps biting his back legs and crying. What could this be?

    He has been doing this for most of the day now and we are getting worried.It is only his back legs.He sounds frustrated and upset.Please help.Thanks <img src="" alt=":)" />...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog keeps biting his back legs and crying. What could this be?...

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    • My dog keeps biting his back legs and crying. What could this be?

      My dog keeps biting his back legs and crying. What could this be? General Dog Discussions
      He has been doing this for most of the day now and we are getting worried.It is only his back legs.He sounds frustrated and upset.Please help.Thanks :)

      My dog keeps biting his back legs and crying. What could this be?

      My dog keeps biting his back legs and crying. What could this be? General Dog Discussions
    • I am sorry to hear that. I think he may have fleas or ticks bothering him. Get a flea comb (it has very fine teeth) and brush it lightly and gently. You may want someone else to help you hold your dog while you do it. If anything on the flea comb a black dot, then it is fleas that make him itch and whimper. If it isn't this please see a vet and have it checked by a pro. I hope your dog will be fine.

    • He could have fleas or he is in allot of pain. They're instinct is to knaw something off if it hurts REALLY bad. All animals do that. If you watch carefully anyway. I would go see the vet right away to have this taken care of! Curly

    • This is what it sounds like, but I could be wrong. MANGE. Mange is a skin condition caused by mites. It usually starts in the back area of a dog; ie: the hind end and back legs. Left untreated it can spread all over. It is very painful and can be very serious. You need to get to the vet to make sure and so they can determine what type of mange it is.

    • My dog does that too. We found out she has allergies. Next time you have a visit with your vet ask about it. If your dog does they'll give you pills and it helps alot! Sometimes she still does lick and bit but it helps overall :)

    • My sisters dog had that problem and it turned out to be a food allergy. Vets blamed it on everything else. She had to wear a cone all the time to keep her from eating herself raw and seemed to have a tingling sensation like bugs were crawling on her. Remember dog food companies can change the food, change the supplier and you won't ever know. The new supplier could have more pesticides or chemicals, how can you tell? The dog was so bad by the time I stumbled across the answer that she had an appointment to be put to sleep because it had gotten that bad. She began to walk like her hind legs were weak and since we knew the dog has a hole in her heart due to a birth defect, the vet thought it was her heart not pumping enough oxygen to her hind legs anymore. Now she has gone from acting half crippled and headed for the great dog house in the sky to just being a happy elderly dog. But it all started with just her back legs.Strangely enough, my sister who lives a few hours away was having much the same problem with her hands. She'd been to rheumatologists who told her that she had a strange auto immune disorder that was causing her tendons and ligaments in her hand to corrode. she had strange skin rashes on her body and her hands were swollen and at times she could barely hold a pen. She kept having allergic reactions to the meds they tried and my other sister and I finally convinced her to go get a blood allergy test. The results were that she was allergic to wheat, corn and dairy. she removed them from her diet and in less than a month all her symptoms disappeared. She no longer needs medication and is back to normal. Her allergist is actually studying all her tests because he could not believe an allergy could do so much damage. Food allergies cause our body to self destruct parts of our body because the allergen is in our cells. My cat will scratch herself until she bleeds if I feed her certain cat food. That took me a 6 months of thinking she had a parasite problem to figure out. Buy an all natural dog food with no wheat or corn and try feeding it to him for a week, it can't hurt. If you don't know of one or where to buy it, then try mixing up some rice, eggs, peas, carrots and tuna and feeding him that for a week. If he improves, you have your answer. It certainly can't hurt to try this out.