How long should i keep a dog alive before i have it put down..??

I have a Jack Russle dog ..who is very has a enlarge heart said his heart has grown large ..wasn't eating it was nearly skin and bones thank God started to eat a little now ..but will never recover I dont think he started to store…

    How long should i keep a dog alive before i have it put down..??

    I have a Jack Russle dog ..who is very has a enlarge heart said his heart has grown large ..wasn't eating it was nearly skin and bones thank God started to eat a little now ..but will never recover I dont think he started to store…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long should i keep a dog alive before i have it put down..??...

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    • How long should i keep a dog alive before i have it put down..??

      How long should i keep a dog alive before i have it put down..?? General Dog Discussions
      I have a Jack Russle dog ..who is very has a enlarge heart said his heart has grown large ..wasn't eating it was nearly skin and bones thank God started to eat a little now ..but will never recover I dont think he started to store water it's bloated like a has been giving him 6 type of tablets 2 times daily ..but not helping any ..he is 14 years old ..every week i take it to a vet.. the vet looks at me as to say ..why are you still bothering gave it 2 to 12 monthsto live ..the dog dose nothing but stay in its bed all day and night .he will only go to the garden to do its buisiness..Idont know what to do ..can you help me to make up my mine ..i am very confidant person and made live saving decisions in my life without blinking an eye with the UN forces ..this one beats me ..i am torn to sherds..To Chetco ...I am a hard nut ..but that bought a tear to my eyes..

      How long should i keep a dog alive before i have it put down..??

      How long should i keep a dog alive before i have it put down..?? General Dog Discussions
    • The kindest thing to do is to have it put down, my Jack russell was 17 years old and she was the same, so we made the decision not to let her suffer any longer.Although it is heartbreaking for you, you must think about what is best for the dog.

    • To be a dog lover is to not let it suffer, if all your dog does is go out to releive himself then thats a pretty low quality of life. I personally would say now is the right time.

    • Even though it will be very hard, if he is suffering it is probably for the best to put him down. What is the joy in living 2-12 more months if they are in agony?I am so sorry to hear about your dog being so ill.

    • OHHH you poor poor person. I know you may think i am being heartless but i would have the dog put to sleep. Let him go to Doggy heaven. Really, he must be in pain and he has no life , has he. On the other hand i do not know if i would be able to do so either. But i sincerely think your pet would be better of in Doggy heaven. I know i have to face the same thing in future since my dog is dragging his back legs and can hardly stand up caused by hip displacia. I know it is going to be so hard but it is for the best. :)) Take care.

    • It is really about quality of life. Does the dog appear to be suffering, is it in pain, is it still able to respond to you, wag it's tail when it sees you, that kind of thing? It's very sad but it's not about you anymore...My mother has an elderly dog and says that when it has no apparent pleasure left then it's time to say goodbye.I wish you well.

    • i know its a very very hard situation but you must understand he is suffering as much as you are trying to to good which you are it doesnt change the fact that he is ill he needs to be put to rest not a situation we like facing i know but just think he came here into your life and gave you hppiness its time you give what he needs he is ill and old and will never be able to be the same dog please send him to a happier place cause you dont want him to suffer right until his death im so sorry darling i really am feeling your pain do what is right all the best..

    • I am very sorry to hear about your dog. I owned a sheltie for 16 years. He was very old and having a hard time each day. I finally had to ask myself if this was how I would want to live, just laying around and struggling just to go to the bathroom or to eat. I decided that I was only keeping the dog alive for myself and that he was hurting. I then took him to the vet and had him put to sleep. I cried for a long time and still miss him to this day, but in reflection, I knew I did the right thing. Again, very sorry about your dog.

    • I understand how you feel. My response to this issue is to let an animal live as long as he is not suffering. Basically, the same as you would hope for your grandmother. It doesn't matter if he stays in bed all day, so did my grandmother for years, but she had happy moments seeing us and all. And my grandpa was taking pills for his heart and he was walking bent-waisted, but I never wished he would die! But some people who really suffer from cancer, and are in serious pain, you feel relieved on their part when they go, and especially if you love them. So, see if the dog wants to live: is he calm, or is he in pain? and if in pain, can't mild painkillers help? If he seems like he would prefer to die, respect his wish. but if he seems like he is just an old dog, ill form the age, but not suffering too much, respect that too and let him live.

    • As hard as it is when a pet has no quality of life and is suffering it is time to let go. We don't want to lose the pet, I understand but why keep a beloved pet alive just to suffer? From what you describe the dog does not enjoy any part of it's life and is surely suffering. If he were mine I would either take the dog to the vet or have the vet come to the home (some will) and give the dog the injection that will end his suffering. I only wish we had that option for ourselves.

    • If the dog seems to be in alot of pain all the time or the existance seems miserable, then it is time to let him go. do not let him suffer needlessly. But, if he seems happy and relatively pain free, you dont have to yet. Iam sorry for what you are going through right now. :(

    • You are the only one who can answer this, but there are some questions to ask yourself that might make it easier for you to reach a decision...Does the dog have a good quality of life?Is the dog interested in its surroundings?Is the dog eating enough to maintain or gain body weight?Is the dog suffering?Are you putting off euthanasia for your sake or the dog's?Hope this helps - vet nurse.

    • Hun, although you are very attached to your dog, sometimes the best thing to do is to let go. I am going through something similar with my roomate, his dog is ill, but he wont put him down. It is sad, but sometimes love is tough, dont let him suffer, please. If I were in that situation, I would want to go. Your dog knows you love him, say goodbye and let him rest <comforts>