Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?

I most certainly think that is one of the most disgusting things the human race is cable of and it should be banded! Who agrees?

    Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?

    I most certainly think that is one of the most disgusting things the human race is cable of and it should be banded! Who agrees?...
    General Dog Discussions : Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?...

    • Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?

      Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old? General Dog Discussions
      I most certainly think that is one of the most disgusting things the human race is cable of and it should be banded! Who agrees?

      Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old?

      Who thinks it is WRONG to put a healthy dog down just because its old? General Dog Discussions
    • thats cruel:(:(:( (But old dogs can become senile and be capable of biting a human,I think thats the only reason as to where it may be justifiable,other wise than that,its just wrong and horrible:(

    • Personally I think the only reason a dog should be put down is if its health is so poor that keeping it alive would just be an unecessery cause of sufferingIf it is healthy and old, then just let it live out its natural lifeIn other words, I do agree with your view

    • I agree, It's just like your grandparents. They are old and may not be living the prime of their life anymore but they would still prefer the dignity of dying in their own home. My dog was 15 when he died and I stayed home with him during his last week alive hanging out with him on the couch.

    • If its healthy then there is no reason for the dog to be put down, on the other hand if the dog is in pain, leaving a mess each day and is overall struggling than it is fair.

    • With great age sometimes comes illnesses and difficulty in breathing or some other ailments that makes their life unbearable. if that is the case then I think putting them down is the best thing to do. If, however, the dog is in good health and happy then of course it should not be put down.

    • It depends I guess. I know of a dog that was 16 and still healthy in terms of no major life-threatening diseases, but because of his age, it was uncomfortable for him to even move around. He ached and whined all the time just simply because his old body was starting to give out. He was having a hard time sustaining his weight and eating had become a huge chore that he simply wasn't interested in. My friend made the decision to humanely euthanize him rather than allowing him to continue to suffer. Its a personal choice I suppose.Now someone who has a dog that still runs and jumps, is eating just fine, sustaining his weight, etc..... I can't imagine why anyone would put a dog like that down. The thing is, most vets WON'T put a dog down if there's not some kind of legitimate reason, so its not that big of a problem. Although its unfortunate when it happens, I don't think its the 'most disgusting thing the human race is capable of'.

    • Very cruel indeed but some shelters have no choice due to limited room. Why would they keep a dog that is much less likely to get a home? They need to make room for the dogs that are more likely to be adopter ie. younger dogs. It's cruel but if you visit your local shelter and see how overcrowded they are, you will see why. If people stopped breeding irresponsibly or buying dogs on a whim then the problem would be much smaller.

    • I do and I think it is double standards that a vet can help an ill animal die but someone can't help an ill person die even though the ill person has asked them to!! You wouldn't put an old person down why do it to a dog?

    • Yes it is wrong if the dog is healthy. But I have seen where 15-16 yr a dog has many, many health problems and they want to prolong its life. When the quality of life is gone, it is time to give the ultimate girt. The gift of letting go.

    • When dogs get old, they usually end up with Arthur Riteus, which affects their legs. This can be very painful for them; and it is only fair to the dog that they are put down to put them out of their pain. To put down a dog just because it is old should be illegal, and the owner doesn't deserve to have a pet.

    • I don't think putting down a healthy dog is a good idea regardless of age. The only reason to have a dog put down should be because of an incurable ailment that is causing the dog a tremendous amount of pain.

    • I think that euthanasia is the most humane thing when an animals quality of life is poor or in question. Unfortunately since there is just such an overpopulation of animals in general, healthy ones are now being euthanized-not just the old but the young too. I think instead of looking at euthanasia as the "bad guy" we should look at population control. Meaning we should make breeding laws more stringent...make it so its harder for these crazy BYB. There are seven puppies born for every one baby! That's ridiculous.Basically people should adopt from shelters or rescues and even then there are just not enough homes for all of them. Instead we see about 5-7 question asking about shepoos or puggles or some other desinger breed.It's sad but that's life. Remember too that it costs the shelter/rescues and us taxpayers a lot of money to keep these animals alive. Shelters have wages, medication, food, water/electricity, etc. just like any other business.Plus lets face it, what is more humane putting an animal to sleep or keeping them in a kennel where they never get to live like animals should?